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Please contact OSP Global Project Officer John Cooper if interested in applying. The deadline for applications is February 20, 2020. OSP is committed to working with you to build capacity and competitiveness in securing European Union funding in support of research conducted at NYU’s global network.

What are the Aims of the Jean Monnet Activities?

The Jean Monnet Activities aim at:

  • Promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide;
  • Fostering the dialogue between the academic world and the society, including local and state level policy-makers, civil servants, civil society actors, representatives of the different levels of education and of the media;
  • Generating knowledge and insights that can support EU policy-making and strengthen the role of the EU in a globalized world.

European Union studies comprise the study of Europe in its entirety with particular emphasis on the European integration process in both its internal and external aspects. They promote active European citizenship and values and deal with the role of the EU in a globalized world, enhancing awareness of the Union and facilitating future engagement and people-to-people dialogue. Jean Monnet Activities also strive to function as vector of public diplomacy towards third countries, promoting EU values and enhancing the visibility of what the European Union stands for and what it intends to achieve.

Active outreach and educational work that will spread knowledge about the EU to wider society (beyond academia and specialised audiences) and will bring the EU closer to the public is also encouraged.

The Jean Monnet Activities should bring long-lasting benefits to the individuals and the institutions that are involved. They also carry benefits for the policy systems within which they are framed.

What Actions are Supported?

Jean Monnet Activities support the following Actions:

  • Jean Monnet Modules (teaching and research);
  • Jean Monnet Chairs (teaching and research);
  • Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence (teaching and research);
  • Jean Monnet Support to Associations;
  • Jean Monnet Networks (policy debate with the academic world);
  • Jean Monnet Projects (policy debate with the academic world).

The following sections of this Guide provide detailed information on the criteria and funding rules applying to the Jean Monnet Actions.

The core subject areas of a proposal can be from any domain of sciences and humanities

In relation to the general objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme, Jean Monnet aims to:

  • Promote excellence in teaching and research in EU studies;
  • Promote innovation in teaching and research (e.g. cross-sectoral and/or multi-disciplinary studies, open education, networking with other institutions);
  • Equip students and young professionals with knowledge of European Union subjects relevant for their academic and professional lives and enhance their civic skills;
  • Mainstream and diversify EU-related subjects throughout the curricula proposed by higher education institutions to their students;
  • Promote the outreach of HEI's to the society through debates on EU-related issues;
  • Improve the quality of professional training on EU subjects when appropriate;
  • Foster the engagement of young academics in teaching and research on European subjects;
  • Foster the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers, in particular to enhance governance of EU policies;
  • Promote outreach to teachers and learners of other levels of education, such as primary and secondary education;
  • Disseminate the results of the funded activities by organizing events with citizens and non-specialist audiences, with school pupils, with policy makers, with local authorities (e.g. mayors and counselors) and other stakeholders at local, regional and national level, in a language and format that is appropriate for each audience.

Jean Monnet is expected to bring positive and long-lasting effects to the participants involved, to the promoting organisations, as well as to the policy systems within which they are framed.

As regards the participants directly or indirectly involved in the Actions, Jean Monnet aims to produce the following outcomes:

  • Enhanced employability and improved career prospects for young graduates, by including or reinforcing a European dimension in their studies;
  • Increased interest in understanding and participating in the European Union, leading to a more active citizenship;
  • Support for young researchers (i.e. who have obtained a PhD degree in the last five years) and professors who want to carry out research and teaching on EU subjects;
  • Increased opportunities for academic staff in terms of professional and career development.

Activities supported under Jean Monnet also aim to produce the following outcomes on participating organisations:

  • Increased capacity to teach and research on EU matters: improved or innovative curricula; increased capacity to attract excellent students; reinforced cooperation with partners from other countries; increased allocation of financial resources to teaching and research on EU subjects within the institution;
  • More modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside the organisation: promoting the professional development of young researchers and professors; ready to integrate good practices and new EU subjects into didactic programs and initiatives; open to synergies with other organisations.

Jean Monnet is expected in the long run to encourage the promotion and diversification of EU studies worldwide as well as to enhance and extend the participation of staff from more faculties and departments in European Union teaching and research.