Steinhardt Dean's Global Honors Seminars
Seminars combine a semester-long course with a week-long international travel component, providing students with the opportunity to integrate a global perspective into the study of an interdisciplinary, liberal arts-based topic. Fall semester seminars include January travel, and Spring semester seminars include travel during spring break.
Identified honors students, across all Steinhardt majors, will be invited to apply in the spring semester for the upcoming academic year. All seminars are 4-credits and satisfy a Steinhardt Liberal Arts Core Requirement.
Daily activities during the travel component may include lectures, discussions, site visits, and cultural activities. For Fall courses, final course assignments are due after travel in January. For Spring courses, the seminar continues to meet after spring break and incorporates the international learning experience into the continued seminar.
Each seminar is limited to 16 students for pedagogical, safety, and travel-logistical reasons.
There is a $500 fee to be paid via credit card due upon acceptance of the program which secures your seat in a seminar, and contributes to the international travel. Steinhardt Global Affairs covers the costs of round trip airfare, accommodations, activities, some meals, and transportation within the country of the program.
Fall 2025
Literature as Exploration
Designed to develop an understanding of the literary experiences as an encounter between reader and text, and of interpretative problems related to each of the major literary genres.
Fashion in Context
This course investigates the interlocking forces shaping fashion - the designer system, celebrities, technology, politics, the arts and media - in two world capitals of fashion, New York and Paris.
Spring 2026
Child Development in a Social-Cultural Context
Students will observe children in public venues in NYC, and then compare their observations to children in Italy. What is the same? What is different?
The Talking Brain: Typical and Disordered Communication
This course will examine the intricate processes underlying communication and swallowing across the lifespan, focusing on the scientific foundations of anatomy, physiology, and acoustics, changes from early development to old age, and what happens when something goes awry.
Eligible candidates for global honors seminars must have a Steinhardt cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or higher and demonstrate a record of leadership, community engagement, and service. All levels are welcome to apply. Seminars are open to Steinhardt students only.
Students may participate in only one global honors seminar during their degree.
How to Apply
The application will be sent to eligible students each spring for the upcoming academic year.
The application contains one short-answer essay: Explain your interest in the topic and tell us how you would contribute to the common learning of the group.
Please note, there will be a separate process for incoming freshmen.
Students selected for the seminar are expected to enroll in and satisfactorily complete the requirements of the semester-long course associated with their specific seminar.
Students are required to participate in the international travel component of the seminar and fly to and from the program destination from NYC as a group, arranged by Steinhardt Global Affairs. Students are not permitted to purchase an individualized travel itinerary.
When admitted to a seminar, we will notify you of the deadline to pay the $400 program fee. You must pay this fee via credit card by the deadline provided or your seat will be offered to a student on the waitlist. If you need an extension of the deadline to pay the deposit, please request it in writing to steinhardt.global@nyu.edu.
Students are responsible for obtaining any necessary visa and/or immunizations that are required for their program destination. The NYU Health Center will advise on required and recommended immunizations and other healthcare precautions. Students should also consult with their personal healthcare providers on overall mental and physical wellness to ensure readiness for international travel.