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NYU Steinhardt News

Music Ed Alum Charlotte Larue Grantier Endows Fellowship Through Bequest

The Minnesota-based music teacher will continue supporting graduate students in perpetuity.

New Clinical Experience for Students

From adults with autism to bilingual preschoolers, CSD’s community partnerships introduce practicum students to a range of real-world experience.

A Special Issue of NYU Metro Center's VUE Illustrates the Importance of Cultivating Cultural Sustainment for Students of Color in STEM and Computing Education

The latest edition of NYU Metro Center’s open-access journal, Voices in Urban Education (VUE), highlights the importance of bringing love, community, and joy to the center of learning experiences to support a diversity of youth to flourish.

NYU Metro Center Researchers Present National Study Findings at Conference Hosted by the Institute for Educational Leadership

The Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation (PRE) at NYU Metro Center leads workshop and shares new parent resource at the 2024 National Community Schools & Family Engagement (CSxFE) Conference.

Celebrating African American Botanical Traditions with the NYBG

Food Studies alum Scott Alves Barton discusses his work with the three-year African American Garden project at the New York Botanical Garden.

African Journalists Reporting on Africa

A new book by Media, Culture, and Communication Assistant Professor j. Siguru Wahutu speaks with, and looks at the reportage of, African journalists depicting their own continent.

Dominique Jackson Concludes 2023–2024 Steinhardt Residency

The actor, author, and activist fostered events and understanding on trans rights and the New York City Ballroom community.

Larry Aber Steps Down as Co-Director of Global TIES

Aber co-founded the global research center for children’s learning and development in 2014.

PAA Student Aubrey Mann Accepted into NYU’s EdD Program

Advancing to this prestigious practice-based doctorate program, Aubrey will explore audience care's limits in productions dealing with tough subjects.
Areas of Study: The Arts

Research from Ericka Merriwether: Weight Loss Surgery Reduces Pain for People of Color, Though Disparities Persist

The assistant professor of physical therapy analyzed pain intensity, how pain interferes with function, and number of pain sites for Black and Hispanic patients following bariatric surgery.

Global TIES Announces New Director: Florencia Lopez Boo

Florencia Lopez Boo has worked with the Inter-American Development Bank on the design, implementation, and evaluation of early childhood development, social protection, and health programs for 15 years.

Miller Pens Op-Ed Centered on Live Nation Antitrust Lawsuit

Variety magazine published an op-ed piece by Larry Miller, Director of Music Business. In it, Miller shares his thoughts on the Live Nation - DOJ lawsuit.
Areas of Study: The Arts

CSD Immersions Back in Person with New Workshops

NYU Steinhardt’s Clinical Immersions program for Practicum 1 and 2 students returned in person again this summer to the Washington Square campus.

Research from Daphna Harel Finds Depression Assessments Reliable Across Technology, Setting, and Type

The study from lead author and Associate Professor of Applied Statistics Daphna Harel compares different modalities including online, pen-and-paper, in-person interview, and by phone.

Education and Social Policy Alum Erik Shell Leverages Data Analytics for Chicago Government

NYU Steinhardt alum Erik Shell (MA ’20, Education and Social Policy) is the director of strategic planning and impact for the City of Chicago’s Department of Family.

Cheri Fancsali, Executive Director, Talks Future for Research Alliance

Fancsali took the helm of the independent educational research organization in Fall 2023.

Martínez-Fernández in International Journal of Arts Management

A publication of an enhanced version of his final research paper on integrating the design thinking approach to advance DEI from the Performing Arts Administration Graduate Program reaches a broader scholarly audience.
Areas of Study: The Arts

Healing, Bridging, Thriving: A Reflection from the Arts and Health Caucus

Dr. Nisha Sajnani and her co-conveners share their reflections from "Healing, Bridging, Thriving: A Summit on Arts and Culture," hosted by the White House Domestic Policy Council and National Endowment for the Arts.
Areas of Study: The Arts

80WSE Gallery Presents New Asian American Art History in Landmark Survey Exhibition

"Legacies: Asian American Art Movements in New York City (1969-2001)" examines artists of the Asian diaspora, including Ai Weiwei and Yoko Ono, who worked in New York City during the last third of the 20th century.

Krishnendu Ray and Co-Authors Awarded Warren Belasco Prize

The professor of food studies and director of the food studies PhD program was recognized for “superior research, a unique perspective and methodological approach, and novel insights for the study of food."