You must be logged in to NYU Home to access many of the links on this page.
1. What is the difference between the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE)?
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) in Albany, NY is the state agency that issues your NYS Certificate which is required to work in public schools across NY State. The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) is your employer if you work for NYC Public Schools.
2. I am completing a Steinhardt certification program, must I apply for NYS certification or does it issue automatically?
You must apply for NYS Certification, please see application instructions.
3. Must I also apply to the NYCDOE if I wish to work for NYC Public Schools? How can I show proof that I am enrolled in a teacher certification program?
Yes, please visit TEACH NYC.
Speech and Language Disabilities and School Counseling students please visit this TEACH NYC site
Please note if you have already registered as a student teacher you will need to re-register, create a new username and password and submit a new application when seeking employment within NYC public schools.
The NYCDOE application process will require an on track for NYS certification letter. Please use this Letter of Expected Completion to verify that you are on track for NYS certification. Please complete your information and upload to your NYCDOE application. If you are unable to upload, you may fax the letter to the NYCDOE at 718-935-3532, Attention: Pending Documents
You may use this letter for any prospective employer.
Please also review the NYCDOE Application Process and FAQ.
4. A NYC public school interested in hiring me is asking for my file number. What is a NYCDOE file number?
In the past, NYCDOE file numbers were issued when a NYS certified teacher applied for a NYC teaching license whether or not there was an offer of a teaching position. The NYCDOE no longer issues licenses.
The NYCDOE file number is a unique identifier issued to educators in the NYCDOE for payroll purposes. You are not issued a file number until after you have been hired and it will be issued after your first paycheck. If you were previously issued a file number as a substitute teacher or employee, you will keep that file number.
You do not need a file number to be hired (payrolled), it is processed through your social security number.
5. I also wish to work for NYS public schools outside of NYC. Where can I apply and view job listings?
Please visit the Online Application System for Educators (OLAS JOBS)
6. I'm an International Student without a social security number. Can I get fingerprinted for student teaching? Can I register for the NYS certification exams? Can I work for NYC public schools upon graduation?
Please visit International Student Information.
7. How can I verify that my fingerprint clearance appears in my NYSED TEACH account?
I was fingerprinted by or through IdentoGo for the NYCDOE for student teaching or practicum and my fingerprint clearance does not appear in my NYSED TEACH account, what should I do?
Log in to your NYSED TEACH account (if you haven't yet created an account Self-Register to do so), once logged in, click on TEACH Home, click on the Account Information link , highlight Fingerprinting, click Submit. You should see the statement "Your DCJS and FBI results have been received" if you were fingerprinted using the NYSED IdentoGO process. If you were fingerprinted by or through IdentoGO for the NYCDOE for student teaching or practicum, you should see the statement "We have received your fingerprint information from NYC" Either statement indicates that the NYSED has your fingerprint clearance. Ignore No Data Found underneath in either case.
If you were fingerprinted by or through IdentoGO for the NYCDOE and your fingerprint information does not appear in your NYSED TEACH account, complete an OSPRA 104 Form, do not check a box in Section 2 if none apply, and submit to NYCDOE following instructions on form.
The NYCDOE will transfer your fingerprint clearance to the NYSED.
8. I completed my certification program at Steinhardt and have not been recommended for certification to the NYSED, why not?
Program completers are not recommended automatically, you must request that Steinhardt recommend you after you've applied online, see question 2 above. The Request for Recommendation Form can be found in the application instructions.
9.a. I submitted my Request for Recommendation Form, why haven't I been recommended yet?
Steinhardt will recommend May, July 1st, and January completers only after all grades have been posted on your NYU record and your degree has been awarded. We recommend post-July 1st Summer master's program completers (August graduates) once summer grade(s) have all posted on your NYU record. Summer bachelor's program completers (August graduates) will be recommended only after all grades have been posted on your NYU record and your degree has been awarded in August. NYSED minimally requires a conferred bachelor's degree for recommendation for Initial Certification.
9.b. I need to complete a liberal arts deficiency before my advisor will sign my Request for Recommendation Form. What kinds of courses are considered acceptable?
Please see NYSED Policy Statement on Liberal Arts and Sciences or pdf version.
10. How will I know if my NYS Certificate has issued? How can I check the status of my certificate?
Unfortunately the NYSED does not send notification of certificate issuance. Log in to your NYSED TEACH account, click on TEACH Home, click on the Account Information link, highlight Certificates in the box, click Submit. For more details, please visit NYSED Checking the Status of Your Application.
For your certificate(s) to have issued, you must have applied for NYS certification, passed all of your required NYS exams, fingerprint clearance must appear in your NYSED TEACH account and you must have been recommended by NYU Steinhardt. NYU Steinhardt recommends May, July 1st and January completers only after all grades have been posted on your NYU record and your degree has been conferred. You can monitor degree conferral in Albert. Post-July 1st Summer completers (September graduates) will be recommended once all summer grade(s) have posted on your NYU record.
11. How can I show proof that I am certified? Will I receive my NYS Initial Certificate in the mail?
The NYSED no longer issues paper Initial Certificates, please see NYSED. You will not receive your certificate(s) in the mail (unless you request them for an additional fee, see below) nor will you receive an email indicating that they have issued in TEACH. Initial Certificates will only issue in your TEACH account. The screen in your account indicating your issued status does not look like a certificate nor is it in pdf format. You could print this page or take a screenshot to email to prospective employers. The NYCDOE and other NYS school districts have access to TEACH and may view your certification status. However, if you need or wish to have a paper copy, you may request one for an additional fee. Once your certificate has issued in TEACH, log in to your account, click on TEACH Home on the top menu and then click on "I would like a printed certificate" under Online Application heading. Please also see NYSED for additional information.
12. How can I apply for additional areas of certification (or extensions) on my own now that I'm certified without having to complete another certification program?
The NYSED allows already NYS certified individuals to apply for most additional areas of certification (or extensions) on their own, not through NYU or with an NYU recommendation or program code, but rather through the Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate (Must hold a valid certificate) Pathway, the Additional Science Discipline Certificate (for Science 7-12 certificate holders) Pathway or the Individual Evaluation Pathway. You may view the requirements on the NYSED Search Certification Requirements site.
If you were certified prior to the NYSED's new DASA workshop (Dignity for All Students Act anti-bullying) requirement, you will need to complete the DASA workshop prior to the issuance of any additional or new certificates, please see details
As a matter of policy, NYU Steinhardt does not evaluate transcripts for individuals applying through the Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate (Must hold a valid certificate) Pathway, the Additional Science Discipline Certificate (for Science 7-12 certificate holders) Pathway or any other Individual Evaluation Pathway. Any evaluation completed other than by the NYSED would be unofficial and possibly inaccurate.
To apply for additional areas go back to the TEACH Online system, apply for the additional Initial Certificate(s) (or Professional only if you already hold Professional in another area) or extension(s) online following the instructions on the website.
When prompted for a program code, you DO NOT enter a program code, instead select:
- No, I have not completed, nor am I enrolled in, an Approved Teacher Preparation Program at a New York State College or University for this certificate and this type.
On the Interstate Reciprocity screen, select No, I am not eligible to apply through the Interstate Reciprocity Pathway. Then select the Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate Pathway, Additional Science Discipline Certificate (for Science 7-12 certificate holders) Pathway or Individual Evaluation Pathway if the system does not default to it.
*Please be advised that if you enter a program code that does not pertain to the certificate area(s) of the degree you completed through NYU Steinhardt, your certificate will not issue as you will not be recommended for certification in that area.
You will then need to submit your transcripts (and/or other documentation) and wait for them to review. You can request an NYU transcript. If your or an employing school wants to expedite the process once the NYSED has received your transcripts, please see steps.
You may wish to include course descriptions in your correspondence with the NYSED.
Steinhardt course descriptions may be found online or in current or past bulletins.
Include your name, the last four digits of your social security number and your date of birth in any correspondence you send to the NYSED.
Please see Submitting Documents to the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
*When your transcript(s) are first received, your application status will be Ready for Review. Ready for Review means just that - your application is in the queue to be reviewed and hasn't been reviewed by an evaluator at the NYSED yet. The system defaults to "deficient" or "unmet" for some requirements until the application is evaluated, it more accurately should state "not yet reviewed" next the those requirements. The evaluation will change once your application is reviewed.
When your application is first evaluated, you are not denied if you do not meet the requirements, your application and transcripts are reviewed and then you'll be able to see the evaluation in your NYSED TEACH account, please see NYSED Checking the Status of Your Application
It does take some time for the NYSED to evaluate. The NYSED website states:
You can keep watch over the progress of your application by monitoring your TEACH online services account. This can be done by logging in to your TEACH account and viewing your Account Information page. From your Account Information page, you will be able to check on the status of a pending application and see when documents you have submitted have been received and entered, into your Account. You will want to take note of the application status, as noted on your Account Information page. Applications are evaluated in the order in which they enter “ready for review” status.
Once evaluated, you'll then be able to complete any missing requirements if they find you deficient in any areas and re-submit additional transcripts and supporting documentation, please see NYSED - Coursework to Satisfy Unmet Requirements
As you would be applying directly to the NYSED, please contact them with any questions you may have.
NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
Phone: (518) 474-3901
email: tcert@nysed.gov
Staff are available to answer questions: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
13. I hold Childhood Ed 1-6 Initial Certification, how can I add Early Childhood Ed Birth-2nd Grade (which includes Kindergarten) Certification?
As answered in question 12 above, the NYSED allows already certified teachers to apply for additional certificates on their own, not through NYU or with an NYU recommendation or program code, you may view the requirements on the NYSED Search Certification Requirements site. To add Early Childhood B-2 (once you hold Childhood Ed 1-6) you will need to re-apply to the NYSED online and submit your transcript(s). You are not applying for extensions, but rather a stand alone certificate in Early Childhood B-2.
The NYSED requires at least 6 credits that must address the Early Childhood developmental level, which you may have already completed as part of your program. If you have, go back to the TEACH Online system, apply for the additional Initial Certificate(s) (or Professional only if you already hold Professional in another area) online following the instructions on the website.
If you were certified prior to the NYSED's new DASA workshop requirement, you will need to complete the DASA workshop prior to the issuance of any additional or new certificates, please see details.
According to the NYSED, if you've taken the old non-grade range specific Multi-Subject CST, you will not need the to take and pass the Multi-Subject Early Childhood B-2 CST. If you've taken and passed the Multi-Subject Childhood 1-6 CST, the NYSED will require that you complete Parts 1 and 2 of the Multi-Subject Early Childhood B-2 CST. Part 3 is the same.
When prompted for a program code, you DO NOT enter a program code, instead select:
- No, I have not completed, nor am I enrolled in, an Approved Teacher Preparation Program at a New York State College or University for this certificate and this type.
On the Interstate Reciprocity screen, select No, I am not eligible to apply through the Interstate Reciprocity Pathway. Then select the Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate (Must hold a valid certificate) Pathway.
You will then need to submit your transcripts and wait for them to review. Request an NYU transcript. If your school wants to expedite the process once the NYSED has received your transcripts, please see steps.
You may wish to include the course description(s) for the Early Childhood course(s) in your correspondence with the NYSED.
Course descriptions may be found online or in current or past bulletins.
Include your name, the last four digits of your social security number and your date of birth in any correspondence you send to the NYSED.
Please see Submitting Documents to the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
*When your transcript(s) are first received, your application status will be Ready for Review. Ready for Review means just that - your application is in the queue to be reviewed and hasn't been reviewed by an evaluator at the NYSED yet. The system defaults to "deficient" or "unmet" for some requirements until the application is evaluated, it more accurately should state "not yet reviewed" next the those requirements. The evaluation will change once your application is reviewed.
14. I hold Early Childhood B-2 Initial Certification, how can I add Childhood Ed 1-6 Certification?
As answered in question 12 above, the NYSED allows already certified teachers to apply for additional certificates on their own, not through NYU or with an NYU recommendation or program code, you may view the requirements on the NYSED Search Certification Requirements site. To add Childhood Ed 1-6 (once you hold Early Childhood Ed B-2) you will need to re-apply to the NYSED online and mail them your transcript(s). You are not applying for extensions, but rather a stand alone certificate in Childhood Ed 1-6.
The NYSED requires at least 6 credits that must address the Childhood Ed developmental level, which you may have already completed as part of your program. If you have, go back to the TEACH Online system, apply for the additional Initial Certificate(s) (or Professional only if you already hold Professional in another area) online following the instructions on the website.
If you were certified prior to the NYSED's new DASA workshop requirement, you will need to complete the DASA workshop prior to the issuance of any additional or new certificates, please see details.
According to the NYSED, if you've taken the old non-grade range specific Multi-Subject CST, you will not need to take and pass the new Multi-Subject 1-6 CST. If you've taken and passed the newer Multi-Subject B-2 CST, the NYSED will require that you complete Parts 1 and 2 of the newer Multi-Subject 1-6 CST. Part 3 is the same.
When prompted for a program code, you DO NOT enter a program code, instead select:
- No, I have not completed, nor am I enrolled in, an Approved Teacher Preparation Program at a New York State College or University for this certificate and this type.
On the Interstate Reciprocity screen, select No, I am not eligible to apply through the Interstate Reciprocity Pathway. Then select the Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate (Must hold a valid certificate) Pathway.
You will then need to submit your transcripts and wait for them to review. Request an NYU transcript. If your school wants to expedite the process once the NYSED has received your transcripts, please see steps.
You may wish to include the course description(s) for the Childhood Ed course(s) in your correspondence with the NYSED.
Course descriptions may be found online or in current or past bulletins.
Include your name, the last four digits of your social security number and your date of birth in any correspondence you send to the NYSED.
Please see Submitting Documents to the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
*When your transcript(s) are first received, your application status will be Ready for Review. Ready for Review means just that - your application is in the queue to be reviewed and hasn't been reviewed by an evaluator at the NYSED yet. The system defaults to "deficient" or "unmet" for some requirements until the application is evaluated, it more accurately should state "not yet reviewed" next the those requirements. The evaluation will change once your application is reviewed.
15. I hold Students with Disabilities 1-6 or Students with Disabilities 7-12, how can I add the new Students with Disabilities, All Grades PreK-12 Certification?
Please see Adding Students with Disabilities, All Grades PreK-12 Certification
16.a. Am I eligible to apply for certification in other states? Which states have reciprocity with NY?
Many states have signed an interstate agreement on reciprocity but it does not necessarily waive exam, fingerprinting or additional state specific requirements. Please see details on interstate agreements specifically the section What it is not. You MUST still apply for certification in each state that you wish to be certified to teach in.
Many states do not require that you hold NYS certification to apply in their state, only that you've completed a traditional state approved certification program plus complete their additional requirements such as exams and fingerprinting.
Some states do require that you hold certification in another state to apply for certification in their state.
It is best to check the certification website of the state you are hoping to be certified in and then check again closer to graduation as certification requirements change often.
Requirements for all states can be found easily online by searching for state name and teacher certification. Look for a link for out of state prepared or out of state certified teacher which will outline the steps for you.
Direct link to the certification requirements in other states from teach.org
NYU Steinhardt will complete out of state verification forms required by the application process for other states, please see question 16.
While NYU Steinhardt can assist you in determining whether your program meets or will meet the requirements of certification in that state and which additional requirements you may need to complete, the state's department of education or certification office will ultimately determine if you have satisfied the certification requirements in their state upon application. If you have specific questions regarding a particular state's requirements or application process, please email or speak to one of their certification representatives.
16.b. Where can I send an out of state program verification form to be completed?
Please see Out of State Verification Forms.
17. I hold an Initial Certificate through my bachelor's degree, what are my Master's degree options for satisfying Professional Certification?
Please see NYSED Master's Degree Requirement and NYSED FAQ.
18. What if my Initial Certificate is nearing expiration or has expired and I haven't completed the requirements for Professional Certification?
You should be able to apply for an Initial Reissuance.
As you would be applying directly to the NYSED for an Initial Reissuance, please contact them with any questions you may have.
NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
Phone: 518-474-3901
email: tcert@nysed.gov
Staff are available to answer questions: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
19. I hold NYS Initial Certification through a program I completed at NYU Steinhardt and have now taught for three years. How do I apply for NYS Professional Certification?
Please see application instructions, scroll down to Professional Certification
20. I've applied for Professional Certification and my Mentored Experience is listed as Deficient, how can I have it verified?
Please see NYSED details and form OR if you were mentored in a NYC Public School, please email mentorverification@schools.nyc.gov
21.a. I've applied for Professional Certification and the three years of teaching experience that I've detailed on TEACH is listed as Deficient, why?
Your application is most likely listed as Ready for Review. Ready for Review means just that - your application hasn't been reviewed by an evaluator at the NYSED yet. The system defaults to "deficient" or "unmet" for some requirements until the application is evaluated, it actually means that those requirements have not been reviewed yet. Please see NYSED Experience Requirements. Have your employer(s) submit the Verification of Paid Experience Form to the NYSED. The evaluation will change once your teaching experience and application is reviewed.
21.b. I've applied for Permanent School Counseling and the two years of work experience that I've detailed on TEACH is listed as Deficient, why?
Your application is most likely listed as Ready for Review. Ready for Review means just that - your application hasn't been reviewed by an evaluator at the NYSED yet. The system defaults to "deficient" or "unmet" for some requirements until the application is evaluated, it actually means that those requirements have not been reviewed yet. Please see NYSED Experience Requirements. Have your employer(s) submit the Verification of Paid Experience Form to the NYSED. The evaluation will change once your counseling experience and application is reviewed.
22. I've applied for Professional Certification (or Permanent School Counseling) and my Citizenship Status is listed as Unmet, why?
If this is incorrect, and you are a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident, login to your TEACH account, click on TEACH Home, under Profile Links click on Update/Add Education, Employment and Personal Information. Then click on Edit Personal Information. Under Resident Status highlight "I am a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States" and click Submit. The evaluation should update the following day.
23. I've applied for Professional Certification (or Permanent School Counseling) and I'm being held for a DASA workshop requirement. Didn't I satisfy this requirement through the Drug and Alcohol Ed, Child Abuse Id and School Violence Prevention course or workshops?
The DASA workshop requirement is new effective December 31, 2013, please see details from NYSED. The pre-Summer 2013 Steinhardt Drug and Alcohol Ed, Child Abuse Id, School Violence Prevention course did not include DASA. The workshops in Child Abuse Id and School Violence Prevention do not satisfy the DASA requirement. No one is grandfathered in.
24. What is my Professional Development obligation once I hold NYS Professional Certification?
Please see NYSED.
25.a. I completed the Drug and Alcohol Ed/Child Abuse Id/School Violence Prev course or the Drug and Alcohol Ed/Child Abuse Id/School Violence Prev/DASA course as part of my program and am now being asked for proof of completion or certificates of completion by an employer or another institution. How can I request these certificates?
Certificates of completion are not issued nor required by the NYSED when these competencies are met through coursework which appears on a university transcript. The NYSED states the following on their website: For applicants completing New York State registered teacher education programs leading to certification, workshop completion will not display in the workshop table on the NYSED TEACH system. Once a recommendation from the institution is made, the requirement will appear as “checked off”. The training is a required component of the program, and no additional training is required.
Please submit to your employer or institution this letter as well as an official transcript. Request an official transcript.
If however you want the workshops to appear on NYSED TEACH, you can request that the NYSED include them in the workshop table by making a request in writing and submitting your transcript.
Please see Submitting Documents to the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
Include cover letter with your name, the last four digits of your social security number and your date of birth and mail with transcript and a request that they include the workshops from Drug, Alcohol Ed/Child Abuse ID/School Violence or Drug, Alcohol Ed/Child Abuse ID/School Violence/DASA.
You'll want to wait until there is a grade on your transcript for the course before requesting and mailing your transcript.
25.b. I completed the DASA Training in Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination in Schools course as part of my program and am now being asked for proof of completion or a certificate of completion by an employer or another institution. How can I request this certificate?
A certificate of completion is not issued nor required by the NYSED when these competencies are met through coursework which appears on a university transcript. The NYSED states the following on their website: For applicants completing New York State registered teacher education programs leading to certification, workshop completion will not display in the workshop table on the NYSED TEACH system. Once a recommendation from the institution is made, the requirement will appear as “checked off”. The training is a required component of the program, and no additional training is required.
Please submit to your employer or institution this letter as well as an official transcript. Request an official transcript.
26. I completed EMAT-GE 2030 What Are My Professional Responsibilities? course as part of my program and am now being asked for proof of completion or certificates of completion in Child Abuse Id, School Violence Prevention and DASA by an employer or another institution. How can I request these certificates?
Certificates of completion are not issued nor required by the NYSED when these competencies are met through coursework which appears on a university transcript. The NYSED states the following on their website: For applicants completing New York State registered teacher education programs leading to certification, workshop completion will not display in the workshop table on the NYSED TEACH system. Once a recommendation from the institution is made, the requirement will appear as “checked off”. The training is a required component of the program, and no additional training is required.
Please submit to your employer or institution this letter as well as an official transcript. Request an official transcript. Wait until there is a grade on your transcript for the course before requesting your transcript.
27. How can I order an official NYU transcript?
Please see NYU Student Information and Services.
28. When will I receive my diploma?
Please see NYU Registrar.
29. I am applying for a salary differential. How do I request an excess credit letter?
For salary purposes for the NYCDOE (NYC Public Schools) and other school districts, excess credits are those taken above and beyond your degree requirements. Excess credits are based on your bachelor's or master's number of required credits for the degree, not the minimum number of credits required for a bachelor's or master's degree in New York State or for any other degree.
For example, if your master's program required 42 credits and you completed 42 credits then you have no excess credits (even if the NY State minimum number of credits for a master's is 30). If your master's program required 42 credits but you graduated with 48 credits because you completed courses not required of your degree (study away, etc) then you potentially could have 6 excess credits.
There is some general information on the NYCDOE website for employment in NYC Public Schools but steps and details have been moved behind the NYCDOE log in portal. The UFT outlines the process at NYCDOE Salary Steps and Salary Differentials. The UFT also outlines additional details and sample language for the letter at Credits Earned in Excess of Degree Requirements
If you have not yet graduated, you should contact your advisor to request the courses and credits be formally excessed. If formally excessed with a statement on your transcript of Not applicable to current program under each course, that may be sufficient proof for your employer and you may not need to submit an excess credit letter. It is possible that your employer may still need the excess credit letter as well.
If you have already graduated, you should first contact your advisor or program to request that they submit a memo to Registrar outlining which courses and credits are excess.
Once Registrar has this information, they will be able to write an excess credit letter. You may request an excess credit letter by emailing graduation@nyu.edu
30. I'm certified in another state or I completed a certification program in another state, how do I get certified in New York?
Please see details at NYSED.
As a matter of policy NYU Steinhardt does not evaluate transcripts for individuals applying through a reciprocity pathway. Any evaluation completed other than by the NYSED would be unofficial and possibly inaccurate.
As you would be applying directly to the NYSED through a reciprocity pathway, please contact them with any questions you may have.
NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
Phone: 518-474-3901
Staff are available to answer questions: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
You may also contact the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives electronically.
31. I'm a teacher in another country, I'm certified in another country or I've completed a certification program in another country, how do I get certified in New York?
Please see details at NYSED.
As a matter of policy NYU Steinhardt does not evaluate transcripts for individuals applying through an Individual Evaluation Pathway. Any evaluation completed other than by the NYSED would be unofficial and possibly inaccurate.
As you would be applying directly to the NYSED through the Individual Evaluation of Non-U.S. Credentials pathway, please contact them with any questions you may have.
NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
Phone: 518-474-3901
Staff are available to answer questions: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
You may also contact the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives electronically.
32. What are my options for NYS Certification once I have completed a non-teacher certification bachelor's or higher degree?
1. Completion of a state approved teacher certification master’s program at a college or university offering such programs. NYU Steinhardt offers many state approved teacher certification master’s programs that lead to recommendation for New York State Initial Certification.
2. An alternative certification program like the New York City Teaching Fellows Program and other similar programs, see NYCDOE Alternative Routes to Certification
3. Applying directly on your own to the New York State Education Department’s Office of Teaching in Albany and satisfying the application via Individual Evaluation Pathway regulations, see FAQ 33 below.
*All options require workshops, if not included in program, as well as completion of required exams and fingerprinting
33. I have not completed a certification program (or have completed a prior regulations program or have a prior regulations expired certificate) or do not wish to complete a teacher certification program, how can I apply for NYS certification on my own?
Please be advised that this is not a simple or straightforward process but the NYSED does allow individuals to apply for most areas of certification on their own through the Individual Evaluation Pathway. You may view the requirements on the NYSED Search Certification Requirements page.
As a matter of policy, NYU Steinhardt does not evaluate transcripts for individuals applying through the Individual Evaluation Pathway. Any evaluation completed other than by the NYSED would be unofficial and possibly inaccurate.
To apply, go to the TEACH Online system, apply for the certificate that you are interested in online following the instructions on the website.
When prompted for a program code, you DO NOT enter a program code, instead select:
- No, I have not completed, nor am I enrolled in, an Approved Teacher Preparation Program at a New York State College or University for this certificate and this type.
On the Interstate Reciprocity screen, select No, I am not eligible to apply through the Interstate Reciprocity Pathway. Then select the Individual Evaluation Pathway if the system does not already default to it.
You will then need to submit all of your college transcripts (and other supporting documentation) and wait for the NYSED to review. If you attended NYU, you may request a transcript at NYU Transcripts. If your or an employing school wants to expedite the process once the NYSED has received your transcripts, please see steps.
You may wish to include course descriptions in your correspondence with the NYSED.
Steinhardt course descriptions may be found online or in current or past bulletins.
Include your name, the last four digits of your social security number and your date of birth in any correspondence you submit to the NYSED.
Please see Submitting Documents to the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
*When your transcript(s) are first received, your application status will be Ready for Review. Ready for Review means just that - your application is in the queue to be reviewed and hasn't been reviewed by an evaluator at the NYSED yet. The system defaults to "deficient" or "unmet" for some requirements until the application is evaluated, it more accurately should state "not yet reviewed" next the those requirements. The evaluation will change once your application is reviewed.
When your application is first evaluated, you are not denied if you do not meet the requirements, your application and transcripts are reviewed and then you'll be able to see the evaluation in your NYSED TEACH account, please see NYSED Checking the Status of Your Application
It does take some time for the NYSED to evaluate. The NYSED website states:
You can keep watch over the progress of your application by monitoring your TEACH online services account. This can be done by logging in to your TEACH account and viewing your Account Information page. From your Account Information page, you will be able to check on the status of a pending application and see when documents you have submitted have been received and entered, into your Account. You will want to take note of the application status, as noted on your Account Information page. Applications are evaluated in the order in which they enter “ready for review” status.
Once evaluated, you'll then be able to complete any missing requirements if they find you deficient in any areas and re-submit additional transcripts and supporting documentation, please see NYSED - Coursework to Satisfy Unmet Requirements
As you would be applying directly to the NYSED through the Individual Evaluation pathway, please contact them with any questions you may have.
NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives
Phone: 518-474-3901
Staff are available to answer questions: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
You may also contact the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives electronically.