Steinhardt New York State Certification Application Instructions including Student Application Information Sheet and Program Codes
Below please find application instructions for New York State Certification for post-February 2004 graduates of each of the Steinhardt departments/programs offering NYS approved certification programs. Please read application instructions cover letter carefully. Program codes are included in the application instructions.
Initial Certification
The applications and program codes below are only to be used by post-February 2004 graduates of NYU Steinhardt registered teacher certification programs or post-February 2023 for school counseling certification programs.
You must be logged in to NYU Home to access the applications.
School Counseling and Bilingual School Counseling (post-February 2023)
Speech and Language Disabilities
Teaching and Learning Undergraduate
Teaching and Learning Graduate (On Campus)
Teacher Residency July 2024 and Prior Years Completers
Teacher Residency July 2025 and After Completers
Professional Certification
If you've completed a Steinhardt MA, MS, MAT or Adv Cert post-February 2004, post-September 2006 for School Building Leader and School District Leader or post-February 2023 for School Counseling in the same area(s) that led to Initial in which you are applying for Professional Certification, please email Mark Perez, Certification Officer, at mark.perez@nyu.edu for program code and steps to apply for Professional Certification.
After applying for Professional Certification, please review FAQs 20-24 as they will answer questions you may have about your application(s).
If you've completed a Steinhardt bachelor's degree that led to Initial Certification and you've now completed a master's degree in another area or at another institution, you must apply to the NYSED through the Certificate Progression pathway. The NYSED TEACH system will not accept your bachelor's program code to apply for Professional Certification, please email Mark Perez, Certification Officer, at mark.perez@nyu.edu for steps to apply for Professional Certification.
Permanent Certification (School Counselor Only)
Please contact Mark Perez, Certification Officer, at mark.perez@nyu.edu for program code and steps to apply for Permanent Certification.
For all questions and concerns related to NYU Steinhardt certification programs not addressed in these pages, please contact:
Mark J. Perez
Certification Officer
NYU Steinhardt
82 Washington Square East, Room 229
New York, New York 10003
(212) 998-5033
(212) 995-4353 fax