Core Faculty
Kenneth Aigen
DA, Music Therapy
Marygrace Berberian
PhD, Art Therapy
Tamara Bushnik
PhD, NYU Langone Medical Center, Rusk Rehabilitation Communicative Sciences Disorders
Anat Lubetzky (Program Director)
PhD, Physical Therapy
Sonja Molfenter
PhD, Communicative Sciences and Disorders
John Ross Rizzo
MD, NYU Langone Medical Center, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Neurology
Nisha Sajnani
PhD, Drama Therapy
Gerald Voelbel
PhD, Occupational Therapy
Kathleen Woolf
PhD, Nutrition and Food Studies
Faculty Affiliates
Jeannette Beasley
PhD, Nutrition and Food Studies
Kelly A Bridges
PhD, Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Adam Buchwald
PhD, Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Luke DuBois
PhD, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Morwaread Farbood
PhD, Music Technology
Adeen Flinker
PhD, NYU Langone Medical Center, Department of Neurology & NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Yael Goverover
PhD, Occupational Therapy
Amy Hurst
PhD, Occupational Therapy
& NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Grace Kim
PhD, Occupational Therapy
Susannah Levi
PhD, Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Ying Lu
PhD, Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Tara McAllister
PhD, Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Ericka Merriwether
PhD, Physical Therapy
Megan Morris
Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Anita Perr
PhD, Occupational Therapy
Smita Rao
PhD, Physical Therapy
Pablo Ripolles
PhD, Music and Auditory Research Laboratory
Agnieszka Rogniska
PhD, Music Technology
Celia Stewart
PhD, Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Alan Turry
DA, Music and Performing Arts Professions
& Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy