Required Global Component
The required global component of the major will most often take the form of a semester abroad. However, students who are unable to study abroad for a semester may complete the requirement through one of several options, by advisement. These options include participating in a J-term or summer study abroad program, participating as a research assistant on an internationally focused faculty research project, interning at an international NGO, or some other substantive, enriching, globally focused learning activity beyond the classroom.
Exceptions to the study abroad requirement may be made on an individual basis, upon permission from the Director of Undergraduate Studies. See FAQ.
More Information about Studying Abroad
Semester study abroad: Students in the Education Studies major will study abroad for one semester at one of NYU's Global Academic Centers. Most students will complete their required semester abroad in Accra, Ghana or Buenos Aires, Argentina. However, you may choose to study in a different location upon permission from your adviser. During your semester abroad, you will examine issues in education from a comparative and international lens and learn how culture affects education policy and teaching practices. You will gain firsthand knowledge of how education is different throughout the world.
Typically, our BA students study abroad during their sophomore or junior years. Review the course sequence page to learn about what classes you might take during your semester abroad.
Accra campus: Students at NYU Accra have the unique opportunity to enhance their coursework by taking up to two classes at the University of Ghana-Legon, studying alongside West Africa’s top students. NYU Accra, located in suburban Labone in eastern Accra, offers courses in the arts, literature, communication, journalism, media, anthropology, history, politics, global public health, and sociology taught by local professors and visiting faculty from New York. Many students intern and take part in community service with NGO’s, local businesses, and philanthropic groups, helping them to understand development and social change in a fast-developing city. Learn more about NYU Accra.
Buenos Aires campus: NYU Buenos Aires is an exceptional and intimate learning community in one of the world’s great cosmopolitan cities. Students studying at the BA site have the opportunity to pursue course work from a range of disciplinary perspectives while enhancing their language skills. The BA curriculum centers around questions of social justice as well as the role of public intellectuals, cultural memory, media and the arts. Classes offered in English and Spanish use Buenos Aires itself as a window onto Latin American culture and the geopolitics of the global south. Daily life at the site is complemented by a robust offering of extra and co-curricular offerings as well as by strategic collaborations forged with local institutions, including art museums, heritage sites, civic and state institutions, faculties of law, medicine and health professions. Learn more about NYU Buenos Aires.
Short-term study abroad: Advanced undergraduate students have the opportunity to join one of Steinhardt’s short-term study away courses, which are offered over January term, spring break, and Summer term. Learn more about short-term study abroad.
Financial aid: NYU Steinhardt offers several need-based scholarships in order to make study abroad options more accessible for undergraduate students. In addition, NYU offers additional financial aid through need-based and merit scholarships. Learn more about scholarships and financial aid opportunities.