How will I find out who my voice teacher is?
Students are placed into a voice studio over the summer prior to the start of classes based on assessment and consultation with Professor Dianna Heldman. Students seeking further information regarding this process should contact Professor Heldman directly at dianna.heldman@nyu.edu.
Are vocal performance students guaranteed to perform in productions? What kind of performance opportunities will I get?
Students may audition for any productions (Opera, Musical Theatre, and Contemporary Vocal Performances) regardless of their specific area of study. However, performance opportunities are extracurricular and not guaranteed. While student participation in productions is neither required nor guaranteed, students are required to audition for productions because the audition serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it serves as the audition for the productions. Secondly, it provides the student the opportunity to be heard by the voice faculty for a brief assessment of vocal progress.
The number and kinds of productions varies each year, and larger productions may include two musicals (Fall and Spring), one chamber opera, one opera, and one concert with the Broadway Orchestra. The program offers other opportunities for students to participate in smaller productions and workshop new works.
Do music theatre, contemporary, and “classical” students take lessons from the same teachers?
All students take voice lessons focusing on efficiency, sustainability, and appropriateness of style. Regardless of their concentrations, students are encouraged to sing at least one song in a different style, and students with interests in more than one style can tailor lessons to their needs. Music theatre and”classical” voice students have separate graduation requirements, and some classes are only open to a particular concentration track. It is important to speak with the Vocal Performance faculty prior to applying to a specific concentration track when in doubt of which concentration to declare.
What courses will I take to complete my degree?
Links to the curriculum requirements for each degree offered through this program can be found on the individual Degree Details pages.
Is it possible to begin the course of study in the spring semester?
Due to the specific sequence of courses required for the different concentrations in Vocal Performance, it is not advisable to start in the spring semester.
How do I arrange an audition? What is required in the audition?
Students must first apply to New York University through either Undergraduate Admissions or Graduate Admissions. Please then visit the How to Apply page of your chosen degree for more details on our pre screening process and audition scheduling.
Can I use live video recordings from concert as pre-screening materials?
For pre-screening, you must submit two contrasting songs with a piano or guitar. Be sure to submit material with good audio quality that will allow adjudicators to hear your voice. If you are unsure if the quality of your live recording is sufficient to demonstrate your vocal abilities clearly, please submit it as a supplement to the required pre-screening materials.
What is the difference between Tisch Music Theatre and Steinhardt Music Theatre?
Steinhardt offers a Bachelor of Music (BM) in Vocal Performance, with a Concentration in Music Theatre. Tisch offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Drama with a Concentration in Music Theatre. Steinhardt offers a foundation in the Steinhardt Liberal Arts CORE, infused with music theory, aural comprehension, and music history, and emphasizes sustainable vocalism, acting, and dance. For more details, see Steinhardt Music Theatre’s curriculum, and Tisch Music Theatre’s curriculum.
Who do I talk to about TOEFL exams and scores? If I’ve taken the exam before, do I have to take it again specifically for NYU?
For more information about English proficiency exams, please reference Graduate Admissions’ testing requirements webpage. Questions can be directed to steinhardt.gradadmissions@nyu.edu.
How long will it take to complete my degree as a transfer student?
Two factors determine the length to degree completion for undergraduate transfer students: the number of completed credits that NYU will accept to fulfill curriculum requirements and the number of semesters of private voice lessons the faculty adjudicators determine are warranted. Completed semesters of private voice at another institution will not necessarily count toward your degree requirements at NYU.
How long does it take to complete the master's degree? Can I transfer in?
The performance master’s degree may be completed in four semesters. Transfers are not accepted at the graduate level.
Are placement exams mandatory?
Graduate students in music must complete a music theory diagnostic exam before registering for the first semester of coursework. The diagnostic exam gauges students’ knowledge of written theory, aural theory, and sight-singing. Students who do not pass the exam (or portions thereof) must complete a maximum of four points of theory/aural coursework. More information can be found on our website.
Incoming graduate students’ transcripts will be reviewed for music history coursework. Students who have not completed a minimum of two music history courses (equivalent to two 2-credit history courses at NYU) as part of their undergraduate or graduate degrees within the timeline specified must complete up to 4 credits of music history courses offered through the Music and Performing Arts Department. More information can be found at the link above.
Can I add Vocal Pedagogy to my degree after being accepted to the master’s program?
Students may apply to join the Dual Degree track by adding the Advanced Certificate in addition to pursuing a master’s in performance. This post-graduate certificate, which focuses on the high-performance voice development process by interweaving theory with practice, takes a minimum of four semesters to complete. Students who audition for the Pedagogy program during the first year of their master’s degree and are admitted add an extra year of study to their degree.
For the Pedagogy program, can I video my teaching sample mostly in English but assisting some with a foreign language, if necessary?
We prefer a teaching video that allows us to observe your level of English proficiency while teaching. If that is not possible, your teaching video must be subtitled with a word-for-word translation of the lesson.