Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications
Study vocal performance with a specialization in music theatre. You’ll fully integrate training in voice, acting, and dance through intensive workshop classes, related academic course work, and private lessons with our expert faculty and industry professionals. You'll perform in fully staged productions under the guidance of professional directors, choreographers, conductors, and designers.
Request InfoNYU Steinhardt Vocal Performance program
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Our program of study will provide you with a solid foundation of healthy vocal technique on which you can build a career in whatever area of voice performance you choose to pursue. You'll take courses in areas such as script analysis and dramaturgical process, music criticism, film music, music therapy, and music theatre history, as well as specialization credits in private voice instruction, vocal coaching, music theatre workshops, and acting and guided electives, such as audition skills and theatre dance. Every semester a sequence of music theatre workshops focuses on song analysis, character analysis, music theatre styles, and vocal production.
You will take acting and dance classes taught by working professionals in the industry and voice training with leading vocalists from New York's professional community. You'll also have the opportunities to cross traditional lines and take classical voice training and participate in opera workshops and fully staged opera productions.
You will achieve a level of performance excellence that makes it possible for you to enter the professional field of vocal performance. You'll craft a technical foundation in vocal production, learn how to demonstrate a respect for the value of the text – the words that are sung as well as the sounds that are made – along with a demonstrable understanding that the best singing is an amalgamation of a freely produced sound and a personal need to communicate.
You will perform a graduate recital as your terminal degree experience. In addition, you will make your New York City debut in your final semester when you are presented to agents, casting directors, directors, and producers in our Graduation Showcase, a revue designed to feature the work of each student and help you make your first professional contacts in the industry.
If you have any additional questions about our degree, please feel free to contact us at steinhardtvocalperformance@nyu.edu.
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