Established in 1932 by legendary dance educator Martha Hill, Dance Education at NYU Steinhardt is one of the oldest and most prestigious in North America. Multiple master’s degree tracks provide high quality professional development in the theory and practice of dance education for teachers, administrators, performing artists, and research scholars. Join our passionate, inclusive community and become a dance teacher and leader, in the field of schools, studios, colleges, and community settings worldwide.
Master of Arts
Teaching Dance
Grades K–12, Initial Certification
Prepare for initial certification as a teacher of dance and a career as an educator and teaching artist in public and independent schools, studios, and more.
Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications

Master of Arts
Teacher of Dance
All Grades, Professional Certification
Educators who already hold initial certification in teaching dance can expand their dance and pedagogical skills and refine their teaching practices.
Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications

Master of Arts
Teaching Dance in the Professions
Prepare for a career teaching dance in postsecondary and professional education settings such as studios, community colleges, outreach programs, and more.
Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications

Master of Arts
Teaching Dance in the Professions: ABT Pedagogy
Take American Ballet Theatre pedagogy, research, and arts management courses with master classes in ballet technique on your path to becoming a dance educator.
Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications

Master of Arts
Teaching Dance in the Professions: Dances of the African Diaspora
Prepare for a career teaching African dance in postsecondary and professional education settings such as studios, community colleges, outreach programs, and more.
Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications

Advanced Certificate
Teaching Dance
Grades K–12, Post-Master’s Study
Build on your love of dance and complete all requirements to be eligible for initial certification as a teacher of dance in New York State, pre-K–12.
Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications

News and Events
For more information, please contact steinhardt.dance@nyu.edu