Welcome to NYU Steinhardt's Department of Physical Therapy, located in the Gramercy section of New York City and close to world-class teaching hospitals.
Master of Arts
Post-Professional Degree
With a concentration in pathokinesiology, the post-professional Master of Arts in physical therapy trains physical therapists to become scientific thinkers.
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Entry-Level Degree
Start your physical therapy career with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree to gain the knowledge and clinical training necessary to practice physical therapy.
Doctor of Physical Therapy
For Practicing Physical Therapists
Boost your physical therapy knowledge through the Doctor of Physical Therapy for practicing professionals. Full-time and part-time options are available.
Advanced Certificate
Clinical Residency in Orthopedic Physical Therapy
The Clinical Residency in Orthopedic Physical Therapy certificate helps professional PTs develop the clinical skills to gain orthopedic specialist credentials.
Doctor of Philosophy
Physical Therapy Research
Graduates of the post-professional Research in Physical Therapy PhD are prepared for rigorous research careers in the profession of physical therapy.
Doctor of Philosophy
Rehabilitation Sciences
Prepare for a fulfilling academic career in research and teaching in the rehabilitation sciences through interdisciplinary study across health fields.
About Us
Meet our Department Chair and learn more about the Physical Therapy Department at NYU Steinhardt.
Learn More About Us
News and Events
Dr. Marilyn Moffat on What to Look for in a Physical Therapist
Professor of Physical Therapy Marilyn Moffat spoke with "The New York Times" about the importance of evidence-based physical therapy and tips for assessing a potential physical therapist.
Broadway Behind the Scenes: Alum Dr. Brittney Mims on Providing Physical Therapy for Performers
"I love the responsibility I have in helping my patients get back to doing what they love."
Alumni in Action: Meet NYU Langone Staff Physical Therapist Dr. Elijah McMillan (DPT '20)
We connected with Elijah to learn more about his new role and how he overcame challenges presented by COVID-19.

Physical Therapy
380 Second Avenue, Fourth Floor
New York, NY 10010
Phone: 212-998-9400
Email: steinhardt.pt@nyu.edu