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If you already hold professional credentials in a health field (such as RDN, MD, DDS, or RPh), our Master of Science in Foods and Nutrition provides advanced academic training in food and nutrition to further your career.
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If you’re currently working in a profession like medicine, dentistry, or pharmaceuticals, the MS in Foods and Nutrition will train you to:
Educate individuals and the public on food choices that will optimize health and prevent disease
Apply nutrition principles to health promotion and the prevention of diet-related disease conditions
Monitor trends and issues in the discipline of nutrition and translate this information into curriculum and training programs
Apply research principles and methods to the examination of current problems in nutrition and health
The 34-credit curriculum combines course work in nutrition science, food science, food culture, and selected electives tailored to your personal goals and interests.
After completing the foundational core of the degree, you will take courses in research methods and applications, using class concepts to create and present an original research project on a topic of your choosing.
If you have any additional questions about our degree, please contact Kellie McLean at KM2411@nyu.edu.

Nutrition and Food Studies
411 Lafayette Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212-998-5580
Email: nutrition@nyu.edu
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