Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications
The Master of Arts Program in Learning Technology Experience and Design (LTXD) is a 30–36 credit program that prepares you to create, use, and evaluate media and technology for learning, ranging from software and websites to video and mobile phone applications. You’ll leverage theoretical training, hands-on practice, and real-world experience to launch a career in fields like UX, instructional design, educational technology, and more.
Core Course Sequence
You will explore principles and theoretical perspectives from the learning sciences, cognitive sciences, and human-computer interaction design, learning to create, use, and evaluate media and technology for learning. You’ll then apply these concepts to create impactful learning experiences using technologies such as emerging media (AR/VR/MR), web-based tools, social media, games and simulations, mobile devices, tangibles, AI, learning analytics, and more. The program culminates in a capstone thesis, which might include design and development projects, research studies, or scholarly inquiry papers.
Specialization Sequence
You’ll have the opportunity to select optional areas of specialization: User Experience Design, Transformative Learning Design, Learning Analytics and Data Science, or Games for Learning. You will work with your advisor to select a specialization or create a personalized specialization that fits your professional goals and interests. Learn more about our specializations.
Additional Information
The thesis capstone is a culminating project for which you are expected to integrate and apply what you have learned through previous academic work and field experiences, with faculty supervision.
Thesis capstone projects include the design and development of technology-based learning environments, scholarly critical inquiry papers, and small-scale research projects.
You will develop your thesis capstone projects in a two-semester consecutive course sequence. Thesis capstone students meet in class as a group weekly, reporting on the progress of their projects, discussing their research, and screening prototype media for peer and faculty critique. At the conclusion of the semester, students present their thesis capstone projects to the program community at the ECT Design Expo, a thesis capstone showcase event.
Of the 36 credits required for the Master of Arts degree, students are required to take 24 credits in residency, defined as courses taken at NYU.
On recommendation of the adviser, credit for graduate coursework completed at an accredited graduate institution, not applied to another degree, and not more than 10 years old, may be granted to a maximum of 30% of the 36-credit requirement if a grade of "B" or better was earned for any such coursework.
Master of Arts students must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average in LTXD courses and in their overall academic record.
Tenure of Matriculation
The Steinhardt School requires students to complete requirements for the Master of Arts degree within six (6) years of matriculation, defined as the first semester of enrollment for courses leading to the degree. The clock stops only during official leaves of absence. This applies to both full-time and to part-time students. Regardless of matriculation, the validity of courses towards a degree expire after 10 years.
From the Steinhardt Graduate Bulletin: "A candidate has a six-year period following the date of matriculation for the completion of all requirements. If continuous matriculation has not been maintained, a reevaluation of credentials is necessary, and only those courses completed within the last 10-year period will be credited."
Maintenance of Matriculation
From the Steinhardt Graduate Bulletin: "To maintain matriculation, a candidate must complete at least 3 units on the second (2) level or above at New York University, under the auspices of the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, each academic year (fall and spring) or, in lieu of such completion, must pay a maintenance fee..., plus the nonreturnable registration and services fees each term."
Students must maintain "active status" throughout their studies, beginning with the first semester of matriculation and including the semester in which they intend to graduate. To do so, Master of Arts students must complete at least three (3) credits at the 2000-level (or higher) each fall and spring semester (not summer). If students can not enroll in course work in a given fall or spring semester, they must register for Maintaining Matriculation (MAINT-GE 4747), for which they pay a non-credit–bearing maintenance of matriculation fee.
Registration for Maintaining Matriculation entitles students to use the libraries and other facilities, consult members of the faculty, participate in University activities, and use student health services and the Coles Sports Center. This option may be used during the semester in which students intend to graduate, if they are completing incomplete course work but taking no additional course work. Students may register for MAINT-GE 4747 only after they have been enrolled during one academic year for a minimum of three (3) credits and with permission of a faculty adviser. Students may register for MAINT-GE 4747 for up to a total of two (2) years within the six-year period allowed to complete the degree.
Students should select their classes in conjunction with their academic adviser. Please meet with your adviser to discuss courses, and once your adviser has approved your selections, you can sign up for courses online in Albert. After the department enters your adviser clearance (typically within 1-2 business days), you can sign up for courses online in Albert.
There is a guide to planning your courses available.
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