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In and of the World: Counseling@NYU Students Find Community Online and at NYU Accra

Ambar Gomez and Katherine Lizardo became friends through their online Counseling@NYU program. The two enriched their studies with a trip to NYU Accra to study Global Perspectives in Higher Education.
Areas of Study: Education Health

Learning How to Create Change in Higher Education: An Interview with Felipe Henao, Online Student

An interview with online EdD student, Felipe Henao, executive director of Student Life, Health & Wellness at Mercy College.
Areas of Study: Education

Bilingual Education

Prepare to work with students from diverse linguistic and educational backgrounds through a career as a K–12 bilingual education teacher or researcher.

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Steinhardt Researcher Looks at "Academic Apartheid" in Affluent California School District

In “The Segregation of ‘Failures': Unequal Schools and Disadvantaged Students in an Affluent Suburb,” published in JESPAR,, Sean Drake shows how the hidden institutional practice of segregating low-performing students in an affluent Southern California adversely affects black, Latinx, and working-class students. 
Areas of Study: Education

Helping Refugees Adapt to Climate Change: An Interview with Professor Raul Lejano

Professor Raul Lejano and a team of NYU colleagues are bringing disaster preparedness workshops to Rohingya refugees living at the Bangladeshi/Myanmar border.
Areas of Study: Education

Eustacia Cutler, Temple Grandin's Mom, Brings Her Story to NYU's ASD Nest Parents

Eustacia Cutler, Temple Grandin's mother, talks about how parenting and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Areas of Study: Education Health

On Motherhood and Ethnographic Methods: An Interview with Doctoral Candidate, Chandler Patton Miranda

Chandler Patton Miranda is a doctoral candidate in NYU Steinhardt’s educational leadership program. She currently teaches Schooling in Diverse Communities to pre-service teachers at Queens College, City University of New York. Previously, she taught high school science on the southern United States border and in Colombia.
Areas of Study: Education

New Study Finds that 1 in 8 NYC Elementary Students Experience Homelessness Before 5th Grade

NYU Steinhardt's Research Alliance for New York City Schools followed the 81,699 NYC students who began kindergarten in fall 2012 and found that over 12 percent of them experienced homelessness before 5th grade.
Areas of Study: Education

Inquiries into Teaching and Learning I

Inquiries I explores two themes: Learners and Learning and Teachers and Teaching. Students are introduced to teaching and learning by reconstructing, critiquing and sharing their own educational histories, and by reading and responding to the autobiographies and memoirs of learners and teachers of diverse backgrounds, needs, and experiences. The course focuses on way to promote and assess learning, support learners' interests, foster effective communication, honor diversity, create democratic learning environments, and enable teachers to fulfill their responsibility to self, others, school and community. By applying relevant professional literature to their micro teaching and their observations in school settings, students examine how the classroom context shapes the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes, and skills.

Laundromats Support Early Literacy, Finds NYU Steinhardt Professor

New research from Professor Susan Neuman finds that laundromats can serve as an important environment for early literacy development. The research was part of a program led by Laundry Literacy Coalition.
Areas of Study: Education
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