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Haja Kamara

PhD in Counseling Psychology Student


Program: PhD in Counseling Psychology

Year entered Program: 2023

Research Interests: Critical Consciousness; Mental Health Disparities; BIPOC Mental Health; Trauma; School-based Interventions; Intersectionality; Community-Based Participatory Methods

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Shabnam Javdani

Research Description/Bio: Haja Kamara is a doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program at New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development under the mentorship of Dr. Shabnam Javdani. Haja is a recipient of a four-year Institute of Education Sciences-funded Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training (IES-PIRT) fellowship. Haja is interested in conducting interdisciplinary research that addresses mental health disparities among youth of color, particularly those who have experienced trauma. Further, Haja aims to study and develop empowering, school-based interventions for marginalized students. 

Haja received her BS in Psychology from Yale and her MPH with a concentration in Social and Behavioral Sciences from the Yale School of Public Health. Prior to NYU, Haja provided short-term wellness services to undergraduate students as a Community Wellness Specialist with Yale College Community Care, an innovative program that aims to bring accessible mental health and wellness care to undergraduates.

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