Who Can Register
All Instrumental Performance majors are required to audition for placement in the orchestra to which they are assigned. There are a very limited number of positions in both orchestras open to currently matriculating non-performance majors, based on audition and availability. Auditions take place at the beginning of both the fall and the spring semesters.
- String auditions for orchestra will be held on Sunday, January 19th, 2025 in room 624 in the Paulson Center.
- Violin Excerpts
- Viola Excerpts
- Cello Excerpts
- Bass excerpts will be posted by early January.
- Orchestra is open to non-majors based on need within the sections. All students should prepare the entirety of the string packet for their instrument.
- About the audition: The audition will be held behind a screen. Please listen to the works so that you have an idea of the tempo of the music you are playing and how your part fits into the entire orchestration.
- All string questions concerning the auditions should be directed to MPAP-Orchestras@nyu.edu.
- All Major Students will be assigned an audition slot on January 19th, you do not need to request one.
- NON MAJORS ONLY: to sign up for an audition, please complete the audition form.
- NYU Orchestra and NYU Wind Symphony Auditions will take place on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 from 1:30-6:30pm in Paulson Center 620. These auditions will be blind. Audition times will be sent late December/early January.
- Flute Excerpts
- Oboe Excerpts
- Clarinet Excerpts
- Bassoon Excerpts
- Saxophone Excerpts: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone
- As a reminder: Placement in Orchestra and Wind Symphony is determined by audition. To avoid potential scheduling conflicts during the add/drop period, students are advised to refrain from enrolling in classes that conflict with Orchestra and Wind Symphony meeting times.
- *The Wind Symphony and Orchestra are primarily open to music majors. However, due to current needs in the oboe, bassoon, and saxophone sections, non-music major students are invited to audition. To register for an audition, please email Christina Charles, Woodwind Studies Program Administrator, by Friday, December 20.
- Please email Program Administrator Christina Charles with any questions.
- Brass auditions will take place on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 from 6:30 - 9:30 pm in Paulson Center, room 562. Auditions will be blind. Please complete the audition form by January 15.
- Trumpet Excerpt
- French Horn Excerpt
- Tenor Trombone Excerpt
- Bass Trombone Excerpt
- Euphonium Excerpt
- Tuba Excerpt
- Students auditioning for NYU Orchestra and/or NYU Wind Symphony must prepare all excerpts.
- NYU Orchestra and NYU Wind Symphony are generally open to music majors only. However,
based on need within sections, non-majors can be considered for placement in these
ensembles. If you would like to be considered for a large ensemble, please note this on the
Audition form and prepare the excerpts listed for your instrument. - Any questions regarding Brass hearings should be directed to Christina Charles.
Percussion: Percussion Performance majors only
- First hearings will take place Tuesday, January 21, beginning at 7:10 pm in Room 582 in the Paulson Center.
- There will be no time slot sign ups. All students should arrive at 7:10 pm.
- All students should prepare the entirety of the percussion audition packet - this will be emailed in advance.
- Any questions regarding percussion hearings should be directed to Sean Statser.
Course Meeting Time
All members are required to register for orchestra as a course for 0-3 credits.
- Graduate Students: MPAGC-GE 2087.003
- Undergraduate Students: MPAGC-UE 1087.003
NYUO Rehearsals will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2-4:30pm in the Paulson Center, room 620.
Contact Information
For more information, please email MPAP-Orchestras@nyu.edu
Jess Bauer, General Manager, NYU Orchestras
Michael McCoy, Ensemble Administrator, NYU Orchestras