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Master of Arts
Teaching English
Grades 7–12, Professional Certification

Expand on your knowledge of language and literature and develop an English curriculum to meet the needs of your middle and high school students. You will learn new teaching skills, theories, and strategies, tailoring your program of study to meet your professional interests. This MA is for educators who have already met the requirements for New York State initial certification in Teaching English and leads to eligibility for professional certification.

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Degree Details

Official Degree Title

Master of Arts in Teachers of English, Grades 7–12

Licensure or Certification
Full-time or Part-time
Start Date
Application Deadline

You will work closely with our nationally recognized faculty members to learn:

  • How to link language development and literacy acquisition to English teaching and curricula
  • Approaches for teaching English to secondary and high school students
  • Strategies for adapting English instruction to meet the special needs of students

English and Pedagogy

As a student in this program, you will study language and literacy acquisition in the context of the English curriculum. You'll complete content courses linked to English pedagogy, gaining knowledge you can apply in the classroom. Courses that offer practical theories and teaching strategies include Literature and the Adolescent Experience, Language Development and Reading Literature, and Pluralistic Approaches to Cultural Literacy.

Content Specialization

You'll have the opportunity to tailor your program of study based on your interests and previous course work, taking classes both within the program and in other departments at NYU Steinhardt and NYU's Graduate School of Arts and Science.

With the skills you gain in this program, you’ll be prepared for New York State professional certification, as well as roles as an English teacher, teacher trainer, or curriculum specialist in middle and high schools, educational agencies, and community colleges.

Learn more about teacher certification and our degree's accreditation.


If you have any additional questions about our degree, please feel free to contact Sarah W. Beck, Program Director at

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