Name: Izat Elamoor
Email: ia889@nyu.edu
Program: Sociology of Education
Research Interests: LGBTQ Palestinians, LGBTQ issues in education, Israel-Palestine, LGBTQ resistance in the MENA.
Principal Advisor(s): Lisa Stulberg
Research Description/Bio:
Izat Elamoor is a sixth-year doctoral candidate in the Sociology of Education program focusing on LGBTQ issues in Palestine. He explores LGBTQ Palestinian identities and experiences in education, the family, and the Palestinian Queer Movement. Izat also studies LGBTQ politics and social movements through pop-culture and social media in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings.
Before attending NYU, Izat received his MA in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, where he taught Human Sexuality and Women, Culture, Power. Prior to his graduate studies, Izat worked in the educational ORT Network in Israel, and the English Access Microscholarship Program through the U.S. Department in Tel Aviv. At NYU, he course-assisted the course Global Culture Wars and Introduction to U.S. Education.
Selected Awards, Publications, and Presentations:
Journal Article: El Amoor, Izat. (2018). Closets and institutions: Queer teacher exclusion in the Israeli high school system. Sexualities.
Book chapter: El Amoor, Izat. “Queering Their Honor”, in Negotiating Spiritual Violence in the Queer Community, by Information Age Publication. 2019
Forthcoming – Fall 2021:
El Amoor, Izat. “The Queer Concert: LGBTQ Resistance through Music in the Egyptian Social and Political Uprising”. Journal of Resistance Studies.
Fulbright FLTA (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant) Grant at Brown University – 2011
Taft Graduate Enrichment Award, the University of Cincinnati – 2015
“Queering Their Honor in the English Classroom”. International Society for Language Studies (ISLS) Conference. (June 2019, Hong Kong).
“Queers of the Night: Queering the Egyptian Social and Political Uprising through Music”. Eastern Sociological Society (ESS) Conference. (March 2019, Boston, MA)
“Closets and Institutions: Queering Exclusion in the Israeli High School System”. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference. (March 2017, Atlanta, GA) “Homonationalism and Pinkwashing in Israel/Palestine - Queer Tactics of Traversing Colonialism and Gaining Recognition”. The National Women’s Studies Association Conference. (November 2015, Milwaukee, WI)