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Raquel Rose

PhD in Counseling Psychology Student


Program: PhD in Counseling Psychology

Year Entered Program: 2017

Research Interests: Community Intervention; Participatory methods, Reducing mental, legal, and education disparities; BIPOC, immigrant, and SOGIE-diverse needs; Juvenile (in)justice

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Shabnam Javdani

Research Description/Bio: Raquel is a doctoral candidate in Counseling Psychology at New York University under the mentorship of Dr. Shabnam Javdani. Her research seeks to understand the impact of systemic trauma, resource precarity, and deficit-based narratives around ethnic minority youth on psychosocial outcomes particularly in the mental health, education and legal fields. In particular, she focuses on the effective implementation and evaluation of interventions and participatory programs with youth who are legal system-impacted to inform multi-disciplinary efforts to change systems/policy and promote better service delivery and innovation.

Curriculum vitae