Email: brownv08@nyu.edu
Program: PhD in Counseling Psychology
Year Entered Program: 2019
Research Interests: Cultural and psychological factors that maximize resilience in response to disability and chronic illness
Principal Advisor(s): Dr. William Tsai
Research Description/Bio:
Victoria Monte is a PhD candidate under the mentorship of Dr. William Tsai. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Binghamton University. She later received her master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University’s Teachers College, where she concentrated on Global Mental Health and Research Methods and studied the perception of emotion in China and the United States. Her research interests include writing interventions that assess preferences of support given across cultures as well as the perception of health according to one’s cultural orientation and how these perceptions create, bolster, or minimize obstacles to treatment. Additionally, she is interested in the cultural and psychological factors that maximize resilience in response to disability and chronic illness and the implications for treatment protocols based on these diagnostic criteria.