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Our person-centered clinical orientation is guided by humanistic and contemporary approaches to psychoanalytic theory that include ego psychology, object relations, self psychology, and intersubjectivity psychology, and that are grounded in current empirical research, especially attachment and trauma theories.

Master of Arts
Art Therapy

Our program integrates psychotherapy and visual arts practice that engages the creative power of art for clinical assessment and treatment.

Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications

Students in front of art work.

Doctor of Philosophy
Rehabilitation Sciences

Prepare for a fulfilling academic career in research and teaching in the rehabilitation sciences through interdisciplinary study across health fields.

NYU music therapist working with client

NYU Creative Arts Therapies Consortium

The NYU Creative Arts Therapies Consortium aims to advance public knowledge and research in the creative arts therapies.

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The Art Therapy Program at NYU is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of The Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education.

Community Engagement

Students, Faculty, and Alumni from the Art Therapy program are active members of their global and local communities. The program currently has 56 students in the metro area for their clinical placements, expanding the range of services offered during this mental health crisis.

Read on to learn more about the program's community engagement and the free services it offers to our community.

Student with child making art.

210 new artworks are created weekly in art therapy sessions offered to public school students by the NYU Art Therapy in Schools Program

10 people with Multiple Sclerosis meet weekly with NYU Art therapists for art therapy support groups
Paint and brushes

18 supply kits were purchased for the 18 artists working weekly in our Parkinson's Disease art therapy groups online and in person

425 families participated in the art therapy based parenting support groups post pandemic this year alone
The words "The Parachute Project: Art Therapy in COVID-19 Recovery" appear in black against a teal background. Four colorful masks surround the title; they are open and floating through the sky as if they're parachutes.

Over 1200 masks have been upcycled and contributed to the Parachute Project to focus on post-traumatic growth in response to the pandemic

8 Ukrainian Navy psychologists currently serving wounded soldiers in Odessa receive weekly mentoring by art therapy faculty


Steinhardt To Host Symposium on the Art and Science of Social Connection

The symposium will be held in collaboration with the Jameel Arts & Health Lab on September 18, 2024.

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Supporting the Newest New Yorkers

NYU Steinhardt faculty, students, and staff have risen to the challenge to help migrants and asylum seekers in New York City.

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Embodying Healing through Art Therapy

NYU Steinhardt’s Art Therapy program blends clinical efficacy with holistic wellness for communities across New York City — and the world.

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Graduate Art Therapy Program Expands Collaboration with the Rubin Museum

Based on past success, the Graduate Art Therapy program has expanded programming at the Rubin Museum, offering free art therapy sessions for the public.

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Art Therapy Program Students and Faculty Display the Parachute Project in the Barney Building

The Parachute Project, initiated by the art therapy program, is a contribution to the global effort called for by UNICEF to understand the impact of the pandemic on children and adolescents.

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New Steinhardt/Langone Research Published on Art Therapy and Parkinson's Disease

This groundbreaking, innovative study is the first paper exploring the effects of art therapy on Parkinson's Disease in a medical peer-reviewed journal utilizing clinical, behavioral, eye tracking, and brain connectivity outcomes.

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