Program: Sociology of Education
Research Interests: Gender Inequality, Organizational Sociology, Sociology of Education, Race/Ethnicity, Law & Society
Principal Advisor(s): Lisa Stulberg, Carol Gilligan, Richard Sennett
Dissertation Title: Gender Inequality in Higher Education: University Administrators’ Responses to Sexual Violence
Research Description/Bio:
Jackie Cruz is a doctoral candidate in sociology of education at New York University. Her qualitative study explores how university administrators experience creating and implementing Title IX policies amidst high rates of sexual violence and in an increasingly politicized context. Cruz’s research is rooted in a desire to increase knowledge on the inequalities women face in higher education and reduce sexual violence. She is also the recipient of the 2018-2019 AAUW American Dissertation Fellowship.
Selected Awards, Publications, and Presentations:
2018-2019 AAUW American Dissertation Fellowship
2018 Mitchell Leaska Dissertation Research Award
2018 Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship: Honorable Mention
2017 NYU Faculty First Look Scholar
2017 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship: Honorable Mention
2016 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship: Alternate
Forthcoming: Richard Arum, Josipa Roksa, Jacqueline Cruz, and Blake Silver. (2018). “Experiences in College,” in Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century. Springer International Publishing AG.