Games for Learning (G4L) students work under the supervision of the Program Director and a faculty mentor to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their core courses and game design electives to an independent learning game design project. This thesis capstone project is required of all candidates for the MS in G4L.
This work culminates in a final integrative project, such as the following:
- research thesis of publishable quality
- learning game design document and game prototype
- learning game usability study
- playtesting study
- evaluation study
These projects may be "new," relative to work done in previous courses or they may be projects started in a previous course that become significantly expanded and enhanced for the final inteqrative project. Students develop the final project in the course EDCT-GE 2095, Research in Educational Communication and Technology. Students meet weekly in class as a group, reporting on the progress of their projects, discussing their research, and screening prototype media for peer and faculty critique and suggestions.
Students present their projects at the conclusion of the semester in a forum open to peers, faculty, and other members of the NYU, educational technology, and games for learning communities.