Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications
In this one-year post-professional MA, you will have the opportunity to advance your skills and knowledge in occupational therapy by combining core courses in theory, research methods, and clinical practice with electives in areas like assistive technology, neurology, pediatrics, and more.
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Degree Details
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Students in this master of arts degree are bachelor trained occupational therapists looking to advance their skills and knowledge.
Through completion of the one-year degree, you will have an enhanced understanding of occupational therapy ethics, theories, research, clinical practice, and a broadened perspective of the field of occupational therapy.
Our post-professional program attracts students from around the world, creating a multicultural educational space where occupational therapy best practices are shared and adapted on a global scale.
As a student in the post-professional MA, you will take a core set of graduate-level courses in occupational therapy theory, research methods, and clinical practice. The remaining courses can be Department of Occupational Therapy electives in such areas of assistive technology, cognition, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, and rehabilitation, or electives from other New York University programs including special education, applied psychology, nursing, curriculum and instruction, and other related fields.
You will work with advisors on an individual basis to design a course sequence that meets your unique needs, interests, and professional goals.
Our post-professional MA prepares graduates to be leaders in the occupational therapy profession.
Upon completing the post-professional MA, you will be well-positioned to work as a researcher, health facility practitioner or administrator, faculty member for an international OT program, or health planner in government and public service agencies.
Paying for Your Education
NYU Steinhardt offers a partial scholarship for select newly admitted master's students who are non-US citizens. Several awards are offered on a competitive basis. Learn more about scholarship application deadlines and how to apply.

Student Spotlight
Hear from two Occupational Therapy MA students about why they chose NYU, the highlight of their OT experience, and their plans for the future.

Occupational Therapy
Pless Hall, 82 Washington Square East, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212-998-5825
Email: occupational.therapy@nyu.edu