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Ashmita Khatri

Ashmita Khatri

Are you from the NYC area? If not, where are you originally from?

I am originally from Nepal.

What drew you to NYU's OT program?

I was drawn to NYU's OT program for a few reasons. Firstly, NYU's strong academic reputation assured me of a quality education. Secondly, the program's comprehensive curriculum seemed like a great opportunity to build on my previous degree. Lastly, the culturally diverse cohort appealed to me, as it promised a rich learning environment with different perspectives. 

To date, what has been your favorite classroom experience from your time at NYU OT?

One of the classroom experiences that really stood out to me was the rehabilitation class lab session. We focused on assessing the accessibility of NYU's premises, specifically the Pless Building. It was eye-opening to apply our theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting. We conducted measurements and evaluations, pinpointing areas where improvements could be made to enhance accessibility for everyone. What made it even more rewarding was the collaborative aspect—we worked together to formulate recommendations, pooling our ideas and insights. It was a perfect blend of theory and practical application, and it really showcased the power of education in making tangible, positive changes in our community.

What is your favorite thing to do in NYC?

It's hard to pick just one favorite thing to do in NYC because there's so much to love about this city! One thing I absolutely adore is soaking up the vibrant energy by wandering through the diverse neighborhoods. SoHo is definitely a top spot for me. I love strolling down its lively streets, popping into eclectic shops, and grabbing a coffee at one of the trendy cafes. And you can't beat taking a leisurely walk along the Hudson River park, especially on a sunny day—it's such a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

What are you most excited about for the future?

As I look towards the future, I'm incredibly excited about transitioning into the role of a Registered Occupational Therapist in the United States. My passion for learning and my dedication to professional development are unwavering, and I'm eager to apply the knowledge I've gained to improve occupational therapy practices. What truly drives me is the opportunity to make a meaningful impact, both locally and globally. With that in mind, my ultimate goal is to return to Nepal, my homeland, armed with newfound expertise, and to contribute wholeheartedly to the well-being of my community. It's a journey I'm deeply committed to, and I can't wait to see where it takes me.

A aerial view of Washington Square park looking north

Occupational Therapy

Pless Hall, 82 Washington Square East, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212-998-5825

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