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Graduate Courses

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Brief Psychodynamic Therapy: Foundations and Guidelines for Providing Therapeutic Interventions

Based on theories of psychoanalysis, attachment, and interpersonal relations, this course covers the basic principles that guide brief psychodynamic psychotherapy. This course also provides opportunities for students to practice skills of developing an accurate case formulation of the client in order to promote change through specific interventions based on the model of brief dynamic therapy.
Course #
APSY-GE 2611
Applied Psychology

Budgeting in Higher Education

This course will introduce students to principles of funding allocation within post-secondary institutions. It will focus primarily on departmental and programmatic assets and needs, and will expose students to best practices in the field.
Course #
HPSE-GE 2007
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Building and Maintaining Institutional Quality

Focuses on institutional assessment, program evaluation, and accreditation by external quality assurance agencies, governmental organizations, and special groups. Examines approaches for building and maintaining institutional quality, including the role of strategic planning and resource allocation; defining, developing, and assessing outcomes including student learning; analyzing and presenting data; and developing and using institutional self-study reports.
Course #
HPSE-GE 2087
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Building Learning Analytics Applications

In this course, students develop the technical and computational skills needed to create learning analytics applications that respond to real educational needs. The course explores the computational approaches needed to design and use algorithms to capture and automatically analyze data produced during online or face-to-face learning activities and to implement applications that provide feedback to the stakeholders of the learning process. As part of the course, students will independently create a prototype Learning Analytics application to address a real educational need. Prior coursework in EDCT-GE 2252: Learning Analytics and Data Science in Education or similar course is recommended.
Course #
EDCT-GE 2260
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Business and the Visual Arts

Provides a comprehensive understanding of the diverse ways the visual arts and business intersect in the United States and abroad. Traditional corporate art programs are examined, as well as new models pertaining to today’s style of management and more technologically-oriented businesses as well as the real estate, hospitality and healthcare industries. Examination of how art in the work place matches the culture and philosophy of a business or corporation and how they are successfully used as a tool in branding, public relations, client development, community outreach, and human resources. Attention is paid to the marketing benefits accrued to a corporation when it engages in a visual arts effort, be it through collecting, museums, exhibitions, art education programs, artist/exhibition sponsorship, communications or technology. On-site visits and guest lecturers from professionals in the field.
Course #
ARVA-GE 2118
Art and Art Professions

Business Practices/Reimbursement/ Marketing/ Technology/ Management of Care Delivery System

Implementation of marketing plans and related public relations activities; major reimbursement guidelines; how to reflect patient or client care activities in all billing; apply time management principles to patient or client treatment scheduling; and understand and exhibit responsibility for practicing within the guidelines of third party payers.
Course #
PT-GE 2295
Physical Therapy

C Programming for Music Technology

A graduate-level introductory course in programming for audio and music applications. Extensive C programming assignments cover topics including software designs, algorithms, and data representation for digital signal processing and other audio applications. No prior programming experience is required.
Course #
Music and Performing Arts Professions

C Programming for Music Technology Lab

C programming for music technology lab is taken concurrently with MPATE-GE 2618 and provides students with hands-on instruction in algorithmic design and general programming concepts. Example code is implemented, discussed, and demonstrated in detail in order to provide students with step-by-step examples of programming design paradigms
Course #
Music and Performing Arts Professions

Campus Community and Student Subcultures

This course will explore perspectives of college/university community, the impact of education and campus contexts, the various groups who comprise the college campus (e.g. traditional/non-traditional populations) and the dynamic of interaction that contribute to student development, retention, and other outcomes. The goals of this course are to increase awareness and understanding of the role that community and student subcultures play in the overall student experience while in college and how to structure communities to foster student success.
Course #
HPSE-GE 2067
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Capstone I

This course is designed to demonstrate the student’s accumulated knowledge in Leadership and Organizational Studies in a series of projects under the additional supervision of an advisor. The completed problem of practice should bring together the student’s central research question, organization, leadership skills, and professional experiences.
Course #
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Capstone I: Needs Assessment in Healthcare and Community Practice

In this course students will gain knowledge and skills in conducting a needs assessment. The course will build on prior foundational coursework related to critical reflection, research methods, literature review, evidence-based practice, gathering and analyzing data, and report writing. Students will begin to collaborate with their capstone site mentor and will plan and conduct a needs assessment that is relevant to their capstone experience.
Course #
OT-GE 3811
Occupational Therapy

Capstone II

This course is the continuation of Capstone I designed to support the completion of the first draft of the Problem of Practice and Organizational Improvement Plan under the additional supervision of an advisor. The Capstone necessitates multiple drafts of the research that are subjected to heightened peer review and regular feedback from the student’s instructors and advisor.
Course #
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Capstone II: Program Development and Evaluation

This course introduces principles of program development and evaluation to prepare students for designing their capstone project. Emphasis will be on students’ understanding and implementation of concepts and skills necessary for effective program design, implementation.
Course #
OT-GE 3812
Occupational Therapy

Capstone III

During this course, students will incorporate advisor, instructor, and peer feedback into their final Problem of Practice and Organizational Improvement Plan. This course also includes a residency in which students showcase their Capstone Project.
Course #
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Capstone III: Doctoral Capstone Project Proposal

Course focuses on the development of the OTD capstone project proposal. Emphasis is placed on understanding and defining the relationship between elements in a scholarly proposal including the problem statement supported by the needs assessment, literature review, methodology, and knowledge translation (KT) sections. Students will develop culturally and contextually appropriate KT products, based on the needs of multiple stakeholders to disseminate knowledge gained from their Capstone project and facilitate uptake of their work.
Course #
OT-GE 3813
Occupational Therapy

Capstone IV

This course is the final culmination of the Capstone requirement. This course includes one-on-one advising and finalizing of all capstone deliverables as students prepare for Problem of Practice defenses in the final semester.
Course #
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Capstone IV: Doctoral Capstone Project

The focus of the course is to guide students’ implementation and completion of their doctoral capstone project while on the Doctoral Capstone Experience (DCE). The doctoral capstone coordinator (DCC) will deliver lectures, and serve as a resource and consultant to students, faculty and capstone mentors. The faculty mentor serves as a resource and consultant to the student on the doctoral capstone proposal that was developed in previous courses. Students will complete a final capstone report and disseminate outcomes of their capstone project at the end of the course.
Course #
OT-GE 3814
Occupational Therapy

Capstone Thesis

This capstone thesis course gives students nearing graduation the opportunity to integrate and apply what they have gained through previous academic coursework and field experiences to major culminating projects while being supervised by ECT faculty members. Options for capstone thesis projects include design and development projects, research studies, and scholarly inquiry papers.
Course #
EDCT-GE 2095
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Capstone V

This is a 0-credit course to ensure students receive advising and complete all deliverables to successfully defend the Problem of Practice during a period of maintenance of matriculation.
Course #
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Capstone: Applied Research in Education Policy

Students will participate in practical training to design and perform a research study developed with a concern for data availability, importance of problem, and ability to ascertain causal relationships. Projects will be designed and written for a particular 'clientele' in the policy community. Emphasis will be placed on the appropriate use of the data set, the methodology, and documenting the research in a written form that will be understood by and useful for the intended audience. The development of effective and efficient teams that utilize and build upon the experience, skills and interests of team members is an integral part of the Education and Social Policy curriculum.
Course #
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities