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Student Experience

PhD, Psychology and Social Intervention

Community Building and Service 

Entering graduate school represents the continuation of your professional development, part of which will take you beyond the confines of New York University, your courses, and your research.  

The successful Psychology and Social Intervention (PSI) student goes above and beyond coursework, faculty research activities, and program milestones to engage in on-going professional development to build the unique skills and competencies they need for their particular interests and career goals.

We encourage students to consider each of the activities listed below as an integral part of your professional development and socialization. These activities will get your work known and help you to begin to establish important network ties. All of these can be critical to your future marketability and job success.

Method Hub 

MethodHub serves as a dedicated space for discussing any methodological challenges, both quantitative and qualitative, that students may come across in their research journey. While there are themed discussions on certain weeks, the primary purpose of this group is to foster a collaborative environment where members can assist and support one another.

PSI Colloquium Series

The PSI program colloquium meets weekly and brings together PSI faculty, students and external speakers to present and discuss scholarship. It is mandatory for all PSI students for the first five years . The colloquium series is designed to 1) foster a sense of community among students and faculty through intellectual discussions and presentations, 2) expose students to various research topics, theory, and practices in psychology and social intervention through talks and seminars by external speakers, 3) encourage discussions around social issues (such as race, power, and privilege) through expert-led, structured workshops and 4) serve as a space for professional development workshops and conversations. Through these core events, the colloquium serves as an important venue for students and faculty to explore theoretical, methodological, and practical issues in psychology and social intervention in the current world.

Teaching Experiences 

PSI students can work as a graduate teaching assistant, course assistant, or adjunct instructor while completing their degree, during the semester or the summer. Students typically take on teaching responsibilities in the later years of their doctoral study.These opportunities are paid positions and are awarded in addition to their stipend or research fellowship. Serving as a teaching assistant helps students improve their teaching skills and confidence lecturing especially if they desire to work in academia in the future. Typical duties include: grading student assignments, grading exams, guest lecturing, answering student emails, and leading recitations and exam review sessions. 

Social Committee

The advanced doctoral students in PSI take the lead on creating low-stakes social gathering opportunities for all students in our program. Some gatherings include both faculty and students, while others are exclusive to students. We cherish these spaces and times, utilizing them to connect professionally and personally, give and receive advice, and enjoy each other’s company.

Student Writing Groups

Especially necessary during a time when most of our students are studying remotely, students have created several small writing groups. Group members meet at least once weekly to share works-in-progress, provide feedback, and work in tandem. Writing groups are composed of students across years and mentors, and as such, are a key forum for engaging with ideas outside our main areas of expertise.

Wine/Coffee & Bites Committee

Students work with the lead faculty to organize informal gatherings for the PSI community to discuss issues of interest. This might be an issue in the news, a program or policy, or any other topic of interest. The goal is to provide an additional space for intellectual and informal social exchange among students and faculty. 

Before PSI

Current students' experiences before entering the PSI program.

Undergraduate Degrees in:

  • Biology
  • Cognitive Science
  • Economics
  • Global Public Health
  • Human Development
  • Psychology
  • Religion
  • Sociology

Don’t have an undergraduate degree in psychology, read our FAQs in the About The Application Process Section.

Completed Master's Degrees:

Completed a master’s degree before enrolling in PSI. 

  • 69% Yes
  • 31% No

Master’s Degrees in:

  • Applied Psychology 
  • Applied Statistics
  • Child Studies
  • Community Psychology
  • Education (includes Human Development and International Education)
  • International Development
  • Social Psychology
  • Statistics, Measurement, Assessment, Research and Technologies
  • Quantitive Methods in Social Sciences

Full-time Job:

Had a full-time job before enrolling in PSI. 

  • 77% Yes
  • 23% No

Employment Areas:

PSI Students who worked full-time held jobs in the following areas:

  • 33% Psychological Research
  • 24% Education
  • 29% Nonprofit
  • 10% Other Research
  • 4% Health Policy Research Associate

Meet Our Current Students

Berta Bartoli

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Pamela Morris-Perez, Dr. Alejandro Ganimian

Adam Benzekri

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Pamela Morris-Perez

Blair Cox

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Diane Hughes, Dr. Elise Cappella

Jarrell E. Daniels

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Rezarta Bilali, Dr. Shabnam Javdani

Sohini Das

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Diane Hughes

Emily Franchett

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Hirokazu Yoshikawa

Silvana Freire

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Hirokazu Yoshikawa

Bridget Horta

Principal Advisor(s): TBD

Sharon Kim

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Edward Seidman, Dr. Hirokazu Yoshikawa

Natalie May

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Elise Cappella, Dr. Erin Godfrey, Dr. Shabnam Javdani

Verónica Mesalles

Principal Advisor(s): TBD

Christine Park

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Elise Cappella

Lucero Ramirez Varela

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Lawrence Aber

Abigail Richburg

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Hiro Yoshikawa

Jessica Siegel

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Elise Cappella

Micaela Varela

Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Rezarta Bilali, Dr. Michelle Twali