The Psychology and Social Intervention program trains social scientists to work in a variety of settings to understand the experiences of people in the contexts and systems in which they develop across the lifespan and transform and improve these contexts and systems.
Our program prepares students for diverse roles in academia and applied research. Our students are well-positioned for jobs in psychology, human development, education, public health, and public policy in the academic arena. In the area of applied research, students are prepared to obtain positions in research organizations, policy institutes, social service agencies, community-based organizations and advocacy.
Our rigorous theoretical and empirical training positions our students extremely well to respond to the ever-increasing demand for evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies in health, education, and social services.
The data below depicts job placement information for students who graduated in the NYU Psychology and Social Intervention PhD Program within the past five years. (N= 12 Graduates)
Education and Early Childhood Settings
Alumni in Action
Dr. Esther Burson
Learn more about Psychology and Social Intervention Alum Dr. Esther Burson
Dr. Travis Cramer
Learn more about Psychology and Social Intervention Alum Dr. Travis Cramer
Dr. Sophia Hwang
Learn more about Psychology and Social Intervention Alum Dr. Sophia Hwang
Dr. Yeshim Iqbal
Learn more about Psychology and Social Intervention Alum Dr. Yeshim Iqbal
Dr. Andrew Nalani
Learn more about Psychology and Social Intervention Alum Dr. Andrew Nalani
Dr. Tess Yanish
Learn more about Psychology and Social Intervention Alum Dr. Tess Yanish