The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools is proud to announce Dr. Pedro Noguera as the keynote speaker for its 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference: Past, Present, and Future.
What are the aims of the
2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference?
NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference: Past, Present, and Future aims to broaden knowledge and intentionally break fresh ground in the development of an inclusive educational system that invites all of our children to achieve their best possible academic, socioemotional, and cultural development. The 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference will push the boundaries of what educational equity means, and for whom, and will share research, practices, strategies, and tools with attendees that can be shared with colleagues on how different education equity leaders can play a role in improving beliefs, policies, and practices in schools, districts, regions, and greater school-wide communities. To that end, the theme of NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference is decolonizing education, wellness and sustainability in leading equity efforts, in addition to equity-based practices that districts and schools have developed and sustained.
2025 Equity Now Conference: Welcoming, Affirming, and Healing Schools Schedule
Conference Schedule
8:45-9:30am: Continental Breakfast
9:00-9:05am: Message from Dr. Fabienne Doucet, Executive Director of NYU Metro Center
9:05-9:10am: Greetings from Dean Jack H. Knott, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development
9:10-9:28am: Message from Dr. Lester Young, Chancellor for New York State Education Department
9:28-09:30am: Introduction to Keynote Speaker, Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings
9:30-10:30am: Keynote Speaker: Dr Gloria Ladson-Billings
10:32-10:50am: Book Signing with Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings
10:55am-12:05pm: AM Breakout Session
12:15-1:10pm: Networking Lunch
1:20-2:30pm: PM Breakout Session
2:35-3:00pm: Coffee Networking
3:00-4:15pm: Panel Conversation: Creating Welcoming, Affirming, and Healing Schools
4:15-4:30pm: Closing
Registration for the Equity Conference is closed.
Equity Now Conference has been sold out.AM Breakout Sessions (10:50 AM-12 PM)
None of the Above: Disrupting the “Common Sense” Behind Standardized Testing & Crafting a New Narrative to Lead School-based Change
Presenters: Trevor Baisden
You Won't Break My Soul: A District-Wide Approach to Developing, Supporting, and Sustaining Culturally Responsive Leaders
Presenters: Denise L. Williams
Equity in Action: Navigating the Three Core Lines of Action for Growing a Diverse Staff
Presenter: Renise Washington, Waishana Freeman, Cindy Martinez, Iris Gomero
Paradigms, Not Programs” Deepening Our Restorative Practice
Presenter: Dr. Lauren Trout, Crystal Wu
Libraries as Catalysts for Resource Redistribution
Presenter: Lindsay Valentine, Sudha Narsipur, Dr. Ann Dealy, Liz Byle
Moving past "good" and "bad" schools with holistic school quality measurement
Presenter: Peter Piazza
Erasing the Redlines for Educational Access
Presenters: Alyssa N. Haymore
Cultivating Inclusive Classrooms: Heart-Centered Teaching and Learning
Presenters: Antoinette Miller, Tim Ojetunde
Abolitionist School Social Work
Presenter: Dr. Krystal Folk-Nagua
Decolonizing SEL Practices In The Classroom
Presenter: Davielle Morton
Parent and Family Engagement as a Libratory Educational Practice
Presenters: Natasha Capers
Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education in thze Math Classroom
Presenters: Jose Vilson, Luz Maria Rojas (Rojas Vilson)
PM Breakout Sessions (1:15 PM-2:25 PM)
Advancing Equity Practices for Multilingual Learners
Presenters: Ron Woo, Elsa Nunez, and Pamela D’Andrea Martínez
The Ossining Equity Fellowship: Systems for Developing a Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Education
Presenter: Dr. Anne E. Dealy
Equitable Education: Prioritizing Equity with Data-Driven Approaches
Presenters: Dr. Babetta Hemphill, Eboney Forté, and Hon. Linda Griffin
Healing Spaces to Sustain Equity
Presenter: Dr. Wenimo Okoya, Justis Lopez, and Kameca Waugh
Universal Design for Learning: A Pathway Forward to Dismantle Ableism and Anti-Blackness in Early Childhood Classrooms
Presenter: Heather Clarke
Healed Teachers Heal Students: Using Data-Informed Healing Circles to Improve Well-being Among Educators of Color
Presenter: Ginelle Wynter
CRSE: Not an add on- but an anchor
Presenter: Dr. Andolyn Brown, Luis Alejandro Tapia, Nakeeba A. Wauchope, and Erin Dunlevy
Design thinking for liberatory change in alternative high school settings
Presenter: Dr. Jamel Adkins-Sharif
Toward a Critical Improvement Science Approach: Practical Paradigm Shifts to Create Strategic and Sustainable Adaptive
Presenter: Dr. Kris M. DeFilippis
Leaning In- One District’s Equity Journey: Progress, Challenges and Strategies Learned along the way
Presenters: Dr. Gail Duffy, Jen De Lisi, Sarah Katz, and Sara Rust
Loving Schools that Can Heal Us All: Parent Organizing for Culturally Responsive and Healing-Centered Education and School Environments
Presenters: Natasha Capers and Rasheedah Harris
Pathways to Success: Enhancing College Preparation Through NYU's K-12 Programs
Presenters: Dr. Laurie B. Behringer, Jimmy Suarez, Melania Velverde, Natasha Bean, Ben Esner, Dr. LuAnn Williams-Moore, Dr. Sarah Beck, Anna Ortega Chavolla, Dr. Charlton McIlwain, and Jonathan B Williams
PM Plenary Session (2:55 PM-3:50 PM)
Getting to Equity by Centering Youth Voice
Presenter(s): Ashley Acosta, Alpha Jalloh, & Brian Bamah
This event could not have been put together without the extraordinary contributions of the following persons listed below.

The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools wishes to extend our appreciation and gratitude to all who were involved in making this equity conference a success. Without tireless work, dedication and commitment our conference would have not been possible.
- Dr. Fabienne Doucet
- Dr. Maria G. Hernandez
- Dr. Andolyn Brown
- Reed Swier
- Silvia Taylor
- Keno Moore
- Jules Csallig
- Rhea Almeda
- Matt Gonzales
- Paloma Garcia
- Pharoah Cranston
- Cindy Qiang
- Dr. Crystal Martin
- Christina Clarke
- Equity Conference Volunteers
A special thanks to all of our contributors:
A special thanks to all of our contributors, including: NYU Steinhardt's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Belonging, NYU Steinhardt's Office of Research, and the Institute of Human Development and Social Change.

We would also like to thank:
- Dr. Gholdy Muhammad
- Dr. Khalil G. Muhammad
- Chancellor Lestor Young
- Natasha Capers
- Zakiyah Ansari
- IntegrateNYC
- Silent Auction Gifters
- Conference Presenters
- Equity Conference Attendees
- NYU Kimmel Center for University Life
Travel Information for the
Prioritizing Equity Conference
The Prioritizing Equity Conference will be held at the Kimmel Center for University Life
60 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
Local Airports
NYU is located in Greenwich Village in Lower Manhattan. If you are traveling by air you may come to NYC through JFK, LaGuardia Airport or Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR).
Local Hotels
103 Waverly Pl, New York, NY 10011
25 Cooper Square New York, NY 10003
Club Quarters World Trade Center
140 Washington St
New York, NY 10006
Hampton Inn Manhattan/Financial District
32 Pearl Street
New York, NY 10004
5 W 8th Street, New York, New York 10011
(212) 321-0100
The Walker Hotel Greenwich Village
52 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011
(212) 375-1300
134 4th Ave, New York, NY 10003
(212) 253-1234
201 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003
(212) 253-9119
215 Chrystie St, New York, NY 10002
(212) 735-6000
39 6th Ave, New York, NY 10013
(212) 966-4091
112 E 11th St, New York, NY 10003
(212) 288-6699
171 Ludlow St, New York, NY 10002
(212) 237-1776
231 Hudson St, New York, NY 10013
(212) 342-7000
335 Bowery, New York, NY 10003
(212) 505-9100
If you have any questions about NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference: Past, Present, and Future, please contact Demiana Rizkalla via email here.