Critical research that explores the impacts of segregation as well as the impacts of integrated schools spaces
Featured Research
Separate and Unequal: A Comparison of Student Outcomes in New York City’s Most and Least Diverse Schools
On June 6, 2017, the NYC Department of Education released a plan to stimulate diversity in its schools. The plan, titled Equity and Excellence for All: Diversity in New York City Public Schools featured three focal goals.
School Diversity Advisory Group
In June 2017, as part of the Equity and Excellence for All: Diversity in NYC Public Schools plan, the DOE established a School Diversity Advisory Group (SDAG) to make formal policy recommendations to the Mayor and Chancellor.
Equity and Excellence in College and Career Readiness: Study of Education in Battle Creek, MI
The Battle Creek region, is crippled by structural bias, leading to segregated schooling that creates concentrated pockets of vulnerability which limit career and college readiness for particular Battle Creek region students.
Additional Research
Research-Based Resources
Is New York City’s Plan to Diversify Specialized High Schools Racist toward Asian Americans? | 2019
As a biracial Black and Chinese American, I’ve always been aware of the polarizing histories and experiences that I carry in my body. At times it was confusing.
Real Integration and Equity in New York City Schools | 2019
Today, NYC DoE took another small step toward equity and one giant leap toward integration, with the release of the initial recommendations by the School Diversity Advisory Group, of which NYU Metro Center is a member.
My Voice, Youth Voice, in the Movement for REAL Integration | 2019
Last fall, while sitting next to New York Times reporter and MacArthur Genius, Nikole Hannah-Jones, in an auditorium at Boys and Girls High School in Brooklyn, New York, I made the following statement: