Culturally Responsive-Sustaining education is intended to help education stakeholders create student-centered learning environments that affirm cultural identities; foster positive academic outcomes; develop students’ abilities to connect across lines of difference; elevate historically marginalized voices; empower students as agents of social change; and contribute to individual student engagement, learning, growth, and achievement through the cultivation of critical thinking.
Featured Research
Culturally Responsive Education: A Primer for Policy and Practice
The terms culturally relevant teaching (alternatively culturally responsive education or culturally responsive pedagogy) constitute a significant intellectual contribution to the field of education and educational literature.
Is NYC Preparing Teachers to Be Culturally Responsive? Data Snapshot
In this volatile political time when racism and bias are increasingly visible in politics and the media, young people are looking to schools to help them understand the world and themselves.
NYU Metro Center Awarded Major Grant to Study Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CRSE), Racial Identity Formation, and Student Academic Success
We are very pleased to be awarded a new study grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to be used to study the interconnected relationships of culturally responsive-sustaining education (CRSE), racial identity formation, and student academic success.
Additional Research
Research-Based Resources
Culturally Responsive Mastery-based Education Research Project
Seeks to understand how culturally responsive mastery-based practices influence historically marginalized students’ learning capacities, school engagement, and academic outcomes.
Culturally Responsive Curriculum Scorecards
The Culturally Responsive Curriculum Scorecard was designed to help parents, teachers, students, and community members determine the extent to which their schools’ English Language Arts curricula are culturally responsive.
NYU Metro Center Hosts Culturally Responsive Education Conference
The weekend of October 4-6, EJ-ROC hosted the Research and Revolt for Culturally Responsive Education conference, supported by the Spencer Foundation.
Journey Forward: The New York State’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework | 2019
Journey Forward: The New York State’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
Introducing the Culturally Responsive Curriculum Scorecard: A Tool to Evaluate Curriculum | 2019
With the release of the Culturally Responsive Curriculum Scorecard, parents, community members, educators, and organizers can find out whether curriculum in their schools is culturally responsive or culturally destructive.
The Mastery Collaborative Approach: Student Centered, Culturally Responsive, and Competency-Based | 2019
NYU Metro Center is working with the Mastery Collaborative to conduct the Culturally Responsive Mastery-Based Education Research Project.
Journey Forward: The New York State’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework | 2019
Journey Forward: The New York State’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
Culturally Responsive Education Hub
CRE Hub provides the history, tools, and resources to contextualize and build the movement for culturally responsive education and ethnic studies.
Visit the CRE Hub