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Patners of the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools


The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools is a comprehensive, university-based center that focuses on educational research, policy, and practice. We are a partner and resource at the local and national levels in strengthening and improving access, opportunity, and the quality of education in our schools.

A painting of hands of various shades coming together to form a unified circle

Anti-racist Initiative

NYU Metro Center's ongoing commitment to promoting educational equity and confronting anti-Black racism and white supremacy has spanned four decades. As we have pursued this work, a difficult truth has emerged: white people have internalized messages, attitudes, and beliefs about white supremacy, regardless of their intentions or awareness, and often act to perpetuate racial hierarchies in our schools and communities. As Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and Asian descendant people work to disrupt systemic racism and challenge white people to act, many white people are seeking opportunities to expose supremacist ideologies and practice anti-racism. To support all these efforts, NYU’s Metro Center introduces an Anti-Racist and Critical Whiteness Initiative.


Educational Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative

Expertise in parent and community organizing and coalition building for racial justice in education, quick turnaround data and research support, culturally responsive-sustainable education (CRSE), and anti-racist training, coaching, and skills-building for public school parents and parent groups, especially for white parents committed to becoming antiracist.

Center for Strategic Solutions

National expertise in working with stakeholders in educational communities and other organizations to operationalize critical change around race, power, and privilege.

Integration and Innovation Initiative

Expertise in youth development, community coalition building & policy design

Students Graduating


We support program and policy work through a portfolio of solutions that enable professionals to build capacity, develop effective evidence-based strategies and approaches, develop innovative applications and engage the appropriate key persons within the landscape, culture and local context of the organizations. We work with intimately with clients, customizing solutions to situated issues through timely, creative, and personalized responses.


Educational Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative

Expertise in parent and community organizing and coalition building for racial justice in education, quick turnaround data and research support, culturally responsive-sustainable education (CRSE), and in anti-racist training, coaching, and skills-building for public school parents and parent groups, especially for white parents committed to becoming antiracist.

Center for Strategic Solutions

National expertise in working with stakeholders in educational communities and other organizations to operationalize critical change around race, power, and privilege.

Innovations in Equity and Systemic Change

Our mission is to disrupt, dismantle, and eliminate disproportionality by building the capacity of educators to implement Culturally Responsive Sustainable Equity-Based Systems that meet the needs of all students and families.

Students in Hallway Stairs

Review and Recommendations

We provide a framework and services for enabling organizations, community groups, advocacy partners, and others to engage in systematic review of their individual organizations' missions, goals, and strategies. This work is at the core of the organizations we support. We also provide toolkits that assist in addressing gaps in the assessment of the impact of an organization's current programs and offer strategies for developing constructs for improvement, further study, and research.


Center for Strategic Solutions

National expertise in working with stakeholders in educational communities and other organizations to operationalize critical change around race, power, and privilege.

Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation 

We provide a framework and services for enabling organizations, community groups, advocacy partners, and others to engage in systematic review of their individual organizations' missions, goals, and strategies. This work is at the core of the organizations we support. We also provide toolkits that assist in addressing gaps in the assessment of the impact of an organization's current programs and offer strategies for developing constructs for improvement, further study, and research.

Composition Notebooks

Research and Development

NYU Metro Center staff of social scientists, educators, and program directors develops and designs reseach-driven programs that focus on the collection of high-quality data and the implementation of accountability systems and evaluative measures.


The Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (EJ ROC)

Does your education justice campaign have immediate data need? Does your organization center the voices and leadership of Black, Brown, Indigenous, disabled, LGBTQ people? Contact us with your data request.

Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation

Our staff of social scientists, educators, and program directors develops and designs research-driven programs that focus on the collection of high-quality data and the implementation of accountability systems and evaluative measures.

Looking at the Empire State Building


The Center 's Research and Evaluation unit conducts applied research and evaluation studies focused on promoting positive educational outcomes for youth. With close to 40 years of evaluation experience, we customize our work to help partners answer critical questions of impact, outcome, and results based on thick and rich points of evidence. Our goal is to use research to inform educational policies and practices at federal, state, local, and programmatic levels. Our Center for Research and Evaluation works in three related domains: (1) large, medium, and small scale program evaluations and audits, (2) educational research, and (3) internal NYU Metro Center research and evaluations.


Innovations in Equity and Systemic Change

Our mission is to disrupt, dismantle, and eliminate disproportionality by building the capacity of educators to implement Culturally Responsive Sustainable Equity-Based Systems that meet the needs of all students and families.

Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation

The Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation (PRE) conducts applied research and evaluation studies focused on promoting positive educational outcomes for youth, and understanding the influence of both schools and communities on those outcomes. Its goal is to use research to inform educational policies and practices at federal, state, local, and programmatic levels.

Metrocenter Consultant

Professional Development

Our professional development programs frame interactive practices, techniques, and strategies around concepts grounded in the most current research on student performance, teacher capacity, parent engagement and empowerment, immigrant transitional education, cultural and linguistic diversity, gender identity constructs, academic abilities and engagement, teacher and student career pathways, and community stakeholder models.


Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation

Our staff of social scientists, educators, and program directors develops and designs research-driven programs that focus on the collection of high-quality data and the implementation of accountability systems and evaluative measures.

Integration and Initiativation Initiative

Expertise in youth development, community coalition building & policy design

Innovations in Equity and Systemic Change

Our mission is to disrupt, dismantle, and eliminate disproportionality by building the capacity of educators to implement Culturally Responsive Sustainable Equity-Based Systems that meet the needs of all students and families.

Student looking at computer

Technical Assistance

We work with school districts and states to build capacity of district and state personnel to understand root causes of achievement differentials between varied groups of students and to systematically address these gaps. In so doing, we provide training, coaching, follow-up, material and resource support to transform schools and student outcomes.


Innovations in Equity and Systemic Change

Our mission is to disrupt, dismantle, and eliminate disproportionality by building the capacity of educators to implement Culturally Responsive Sustainable Equity-Based Systems that meet the needs of all students and families.

Center for Strategic Solutions

National expertise in working with stakeholders in educational communities and other organizations to operationalize critical change around race, power, and privilege.

Working with Teachers

Teacher Education

Teachers matter! The evolutionary nature of learning for our students demands that teachers are afforded the opportunity to engage in a continuous cycle of learning. While many of our teaching colleagues have a wealth of experience, experience must always evolve and be channeled to meet the ever-changing needs of contingent learning environments, communities, and cultures.


Innovations in Equity and Systemic Change

Our mission is to disrupt, dismantle, and eliminate disproportionality by building the capacity of educators to implement Culturally Responsive Sustainable Equity-Based Systems that meet the needs of all students and families.

Metro Center Intake Form

This Intake Form should be completed only if you are interested in a fee for service partnership with NYU Metro Center. We are excited for new collaborations or partnerships and can't wait to serve your community!

Please fill out the Intake Form here