The Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation (PRE) conducts applied research and evaluation studies focused on promoting positive educational outcomes for youth, and understanding the influence of both schools and communities on those outcomes. Its goal is to use research to inform educational policies and practices at federal, state, local, and programmatic levels.
Current Projects
Families First Ripple Program Parent and Agency Alumni Survey Report
Families First’s Ripple Program offers an evidence-informed framework for both parents wishing to strengthen leadership skills and youth- and family- serving agencies who have attempted to engage families but are not seeing compelling results. Families First contracted with the Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation (PRE) at NYU Metro Center for an evaluation of the long-term impact of the Ripple Program on families, agencies, and communities.
Kentucky Collaborative Research and Evaluation Study
The goal of the Kentucky Collaborative Research Study is to understand how family-school partnerships change in schools over a 3-year time period.
PRE's Education Conversation Series
PRE's Education Conversation Series brings together parent leaders, community members, researchers, and other indispensable stakeholders engaged in educational justice work to discuss ways to create culturally responsive and sustaining learning environments for all students and their families.
PRE's Summer Snapshot Series
PRE's 'Summer Snapshots' are a multi-part research brief series born out of ongoing research on the District Summer Learning Network (DSLN). This research, funded by the Wallace Foundation, explores how school districts across the U.S. plan and implement high-quality, evidence-based summer learning programs for students.
The NYU Metro Center Family and Community Study
The Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation is exploring how parents/caregivers and their children work together and talk about issues in their communities.
Parent Organizing for Racial Equity Resources
In January 2021 four organizations that develop parents as leaders, in partnership with the NYU Metro Center and funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, committed to advancing parent-led racial equity projects in New Mexico, Mississippi, New York, and Washington. This racial equity peer learning and inquiry community is part of a broad body of work that began with the Parent Leadership Indicators Project.
Parent Leadership and Organizing for Justice: A Landscape Analysis
This Parent Power and Leadership Survey findings report focuses on parent leadership initiatives that develop leadership skills and knowledge to work collectively toward racial, social, or economic justice. Family engagement leadership.
PRE Research Brief Series
The Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation (PRE) conducts applied research and evaluation studies focused on promoting positive educational outcomes for youth, and understanding the influence of both schools and communities on those outcomes. These PRE Research Briefs communicate the essential elements, methodologies, participant recruitment, relevant survey or moderator guide and report formant.
An Evaluation of the BPS Excellence for All Initiative
Our report provides a primarily qualitative analysis of fidelity and quality of support for student learning in the implementation of the EFA initiative in 16 Boston Public Schools serving 4-6th grade students.
Gates Racial Identity Project
The Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation is studying a cohort of five leading youth-serving organizations to better understand relationships among racial identity formation.
BEES Evaluation
PRE is working closely with BPS to conduct a 2 year, mixed-method formative evaluation of BEES to understand how the programs works and to determine if participation in BEES has an impact on science outcomes for students.
Organizing Family and Community: Collective Parent Action and Intergenerational Learning
This project, funded by the Spencer Foundation, explores how children learn and thrive when their parents and family members belong to parent leadership and organizing groups.
Parent Leadership Indicators Project
With access to high-quality leadership training and development, parents can become powerful advocates for greater opportunities for children, and the family becomes a vital constituency for improved child and community outcomes.
Parent Leadership Training Institute Evaluation
A program that enables parents to become advocates for children and focuses on parents as partners with agencies and leaders.