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Families First Ripple Program Parent and Agency Alumni Survey Report

By Joanna Geller & Lisette DeSouza

Families First was founded in 1988 with the goal of helping parents across the Greater Boston area navigate the diverse challenges of raising children by providing research-based parenting education services. Their mission is to partner with parents to amplify their power so they can positively impact the lives of children and communities. Families First’s Ripple Program offers an evidence-informed framework for both parents wishing to strengthen leadership skills and youth- and family- serving agencies who have attempted to engage families but are not seeing compelling results. 

Families First contracted with the Center for Policy, Research, and Evaluation (PRE) at NYU Metro Center for an evaluation of the long-term impact of the Ripple Program on families, agencies, and communities. We found that parent alumni reported increased civic engagement; better mental, physical, and emotional health; educational and career advancement; and better family relationships. Agencies that partnered with families reported increased quality and reach of programming and sustained family engagement and leadership.

Read the executive summary here 

Read report here