The Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (EJ-ROC) brings together researchers, data and policy analysts, and community organizers to provide critical research, data, policy, and strategic support for the education justice movement. Through our services, EJ-ROC aims to democratize education data, research and policy, maximize the synergy between research and community organizing, magnify the voices of grassroots communities of color, and advance the capacity of organizing efforts to design solutions, make demands, and sustain policy wins.
Professional Learning Offerings
Culturally Responsive Professional Learning Community (CRPLC)
The Culturally Responsive Professional Learning Community (CRPLC) is designed to build the capacity of school equity teams to create a CRSE vision and implementation plan for their school communities.
Youth Leadership Training & Parent and Family Engagement Series
Youth Leadership Training Series
NYU Metro Center has deep expertise in developing and supporting authentic youth-centered spaces. We are excited to share this set of offerings for ways the NYU team can provide direct support to schools and districts to develop and build youth leadership and civic engagement, while creating spaces for community building and connection for young people.
Parent and Family Engagement Series
NYU will host a cohort for parents and caregivers across the district, or at individual schools. NYU Metro Center will also offer a series of workshops designed to workshops designed to provide guidance on Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CRSE), relationship building, advocacy and immigrant justice for family facing staff throughout the Department of Education.
Organizing Support
Collaboration and Consulting
EJ-ROC brings together a collective of skilled community organizers and researchers who have expertise in supporting organizing groups through coaching and trainings.
Organizing Resources
Educational Organizing Resources
Anti-Racist Coalition Building
Grounded in an intersectional anti-racist framework, i3 partners with stakeholders across schools and communities seeking to design student-centered anti-racist school policy and community practices.
Research Request & Research-Related Trainings
Does your education justice campaign have immediate data need? Does your organization center the voices and leadership of Black, Brown, Indigenous, disabled, LGBTQ people? Contact us with your data request.
Integration and Innovation Initiative (i3) Services
The Integration and Innovation Initiative (i3) is committed to achieving meaningful integration in our schools and communities.
Contact Us
To work with us, kindly send an email to
Metro Center Intake Form
This Intake Form should be completed only if you are interested in a fee for service partnership with NYU Metro Center. We are excited for new collaborations or partnerships and can't wait to serve your community!
Please fill out the Intake Form here