In June 2017, as part of the Equity and Excellence for All: Diversity in New York City Public Schools plan, the DOE established a School Diversity Advisory Group (SDAG) to make formal policy recommendations to the Mayor and Chancellor.
The group named three Co-chairs - José Calderón, President of the Hispanic Federation, Hazel Dukes, President of the NAACP New York State Conference and Maya Wiley, Senior Vice President for Social Justice and Henry Cohen Professor of Urban Policy and Management at the New School. The three co-chairs and two additional members - Amy Hsin, Associate Professor of Sociology at Queens College and Richard Kahlenberg, Senior Fellow at The Century Foundation - make up the group’s Executive Committee.
The broader SDAG includes over 40 members, who bring a range of personal and professional perspectives to the group. Members include city government stakeholders, local and national experts on school diversity, parents, teachers, advocates, students, and other community leaders. The SDAG members were identified by the City and the Executive Committee and began meeting in December 2017.
Following this initial release, the SDAG will continue to meet to explore further recommendations based on community input and engagement. A subsequent report with additional recommendations on school screens, gifted and talented (G&T) programs, and school resources will be released by the end of this school year.
SDAG is reimagining integration for New York City public schools
With the City’s 2017 Diversity Plan as a starting point, and designed using IntegrateNYC’s Student-Developed 5 Rs Framework for Real Integration, the SDAG tackled issues related to enrollment policy, resource equity, curriculum, pedagogy and school climate, school discipline, and faculty diversity. Recommendations also include enhanced goals and metrics for accountability and a call for a Chief Integration Officer.
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Executive Summary Making the Grade: The Path to Real Integration and Equity for NYC Public School… Making the Grade II: New Programs for Better Schools