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student standing, talking with two faculty members in front of a PRIISM sign

Doctor of Philosophy
Statistics and Computational Social Science

This interdisciplinary doctoral program combines statistical, computational, and social science theory and practice to address problems of social importance in public health, education, criminal justice, and other domains. Graduates will be prepared for academic careers, as well as research positions in nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and industry.

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2 students conversing about their work and writing on a dry erase board

Degree Details

Official Degree Title

PhD in Statistics and Computational Social Science

Full-time or Part-time
Start Date
Application Deadline

Your academic experience in this program will begin with coursework in the broad areas of statistics, computational methods, and disciplines such as sociology, economics, psychology, and education. At the same time, you will work with your faculty advisor to develop your own research agenda, while learning from and collaborating with researchers in the Steinhardt School, the broader NYU academic community, and beyond. 

The ultimate goal of the doctoral program is to produce a dissertation of original research that unites technical methodology with substantive knowledge to further an understanding of important social science questions. You will share your research with broader communities via academic publications, and will have opportunities to hone your pedagogical skills through teaching and assisting with courses in applied statistics.

Graduates of this program will be equipped for postdoctoral and faculty positions in university departments such as statistics, data science, and political science, as well as for positions in schools of communication, information, public policy, and education.

Outside academia, graduates will be ready for careers as research scientists or research directors at nonprofit organizations (e.g., RAND or MDRC), in the public sector (in the U.S. or abroad), program officer positions at foundations (e.g., Simons or MacArthur), and a variety of research-oriented positions in industry.


If you have any additional questions about our degree, please feel free to contact us at


Daphna Harel

Associate Professor of Applied Statistics; Director of A3SR MS Program

Jennifer Hill

Professor of Applied Statistics; Co-Department Chair; Co-Director of PRIISM

Klint Kanopka

Assistant Professor of Applied Statistics

Ying Lu

Associate Professor

Marc Scott

Co-Department Chair, Professor of Applied Statistics; Co-Director of PRIISM

Ravi Shroff

Associate Professor of Applied Statistics

Anne L. Washington

Assistant Professor of Data Policy

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