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The required internship provides you with practical learning experiences in your chosen field of specialization. In this class, you will work with "real world" data, with mentorship from a faculty member, in organizations such as a city government agencies, a not-for-profit, or a policy think tank. You will receive practical training focused on the kinds of issues that researchers face in collecting and analyzing data as well as reporting out to relevant stakeholders.

Finding an Internship

  • Explore your own interests: What is your area of specialization/concentration in Applied Statistics? What organizations are doing interesting work in these areas? What kind of statistical skills do you want to develop? What time of the year is best for you?

  • Understand the requirements: While a broad range of options are possible, students need to choose an internship that will help them acquire and hone skills needed to work in data science or to apply statistics to social science research. This could involve data collection, study design or data analysis.

  • Research possible options: Look up relevant organizations online and be sure to connect with your peers on the A3SR Facebook group and LinkedIn.

  • Apply: Apply early to internship opportunities that are posted on websites or list-servs. Apply to several options and tailor your cover letters and resume to each.

  • Approval: Once you have chosen your possible internship sites, email your academic adviser to make sure these options would be approved by the program.

  • Enroll: Once you find your internship placement, enroll in the A3SR Internship course, APSTA-GE 2310.