Many departments and programs offer talented and highly motivated juniors and seniors the opportunity to take individual honors courses, to enroll in special honors programs that may involve independent research or creative work, or to join honorary societies.
Students interested in departmental honors should consult with their department by the end of sophomore year.
Applied Psychology
- Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology
- Departmental Honors: Senior Honors Seminar for selected students with at least a 3.5 GPA, culminating in an independent, data-based research project on a topic of your choice within the field of psychology under the mentorship of an Applied Psychology faculty member
Communicative Sciences and Disorders
- Kappa Delta Pi Honorary Society
- Selected seniors co-teach New Student Seminar with instructors
- Departmental Honors: research program for students with at least a 3.5 GPA, cumulative and major, culminating in an honors thesis based on faculty-supervised independent research
Media, Culture, and Communication
- Departmental Honors: Senior Honors Seminar for selected students with at least a 3.75 grade point average, culminating in a senior thesis/project based on faculty-supervised independent research
Nutrition and Food Studies
- National Nutrition Honors Society
- Prestigious internships
- Senior thesis
- Research opportunities with faculty
Teaching and Learning
- Honors Societies: Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Pi Lambda Theta
- Departmental Honors: Senior Honors Seminar for students with at least a 3.5 GPA, cumulative and major, culminating in an honors thesis based on faculty-supervised independent research