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Honors Research: Communicative Sciences and Disorders I and II

This year-long course sequence will foster the career development of graduate students who have an aptitude for research and will provide a framework for faculty-mentored student research. Admission to the course is restricted to students who are selected based on competitive applications. Students will develop and implement a research study, analyze the data, and culminate the project with a written paper and oral presentation.
Course #
CSCD-GE 2425
Communicative Sciences and Disorders

Honors Seminar in Applied Psychology

A year-long seminar sequence intended only for students in the honors program in applied psychology. The seminars have three main objectives: (a) to provide a forum where students engage in serious intellectual discussion about the process of research, (b) to provide guidance and structure to students in the process of conducting their independent research studies, & (c) to prepare students for presentation of their senior thesis & oral examination. All honor students must have a research mentor & an approved research project prior to registering for the course.
Course #
APSY-UE 1995
Applied Psychology

Honors Seminar in Applied Psychology

Seminar course of students in the Honors Program in Applied Psychology. The course has three main objectives: (a) provide a forum where students engage in a serious intellectual discussion about the process of research, (b) to provide guidance & structure to students in the process of conducting their independent research studies, & (c) prepare students for presentation of senior thesis & oral examination. All honors students must have a research mentor & approved research project prior to registering for this course.
Course #
APSY-UE 1996
Applied Psychology

How Can I Make a Difference with Environmental Science?

In this course, students learn to design inclusive science lessons and activities for elementary school learning contexts. Students use a single problem -- water delivery to urban centers -- to apply concepts from a Vygotskian approach to teaching and learning to create, test and revise. Other elementary school science content and connections to equity and justice are explored throughout the course.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2105
Teaching and Learning

How Can I Navigate Curriculum and Integrate Arts?

This module challenges students to consider how teachers re-purpose and re-contextualize content within frameworks and approaches including an equity-centered Design Thinking framework and Universal Design for Learning. This course examines the historical and cultural underpinnings of curricular frameworks and explores how to reshape curriculum and integrate arts to affirm a range of student identities and abilities.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2107
Teaching and Learning

How Can I Teach History, Civics and Global Awareness for All?

In elementary school, social studies plays an integral role in students’ sense of identity and community. Here we explore civic engagement, communities, global awareness, history, current events, and culture. We consider the place and meaning of social studies education and connect content to the needs and diversity of students with IEPs and multilingual learners. We consider diverse perspectives of content, critique and create materials and plans for constructing social studies learning environments that integrate engagement with communities and families.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2106
Teaching and Learning

How Can I Teach Literacy Throughout Development?

This module focuses on the development of literacy in middle childhood and the ways teachers can facilitate this development. We examine the theoretical and practical issues with an emphasis on developing academic competence. Literacy is explored as a cross-|disciplinary tool for thinking- learning and doing. Students learn how students acquire increasing control over the demands of language in ever-expanding social and academic contexts- how the practices of schooling can support multiple literacies- how to observe processes- and to use this data to inform instruction.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2108
Teaching and Learning

How Can We Build Class Community?

This module focuses on creating safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments for all students. We analyze classroom/school culture, climate, routines, strategies, and environmental design of classrooms, and explore the role and responsibilities of teachers providing special education and related services to students with disabilities. Interns explore models of inclusion, develop respect and rapport with students, support high expectations for all students, collaborate with families and professionals, and create caring classrooms for diverse.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2102
Teaching and Learning

How Colleges Work

Introduction to the organizational dynamics of colleges & universities. Beginning with a review of organizational theory, students will review the various types of college structures (universities, four-year colleges, community colleges, for profit colleges.) Students will study key functional areas: finance; enrollment management; academic affairs; student services & explore how these areas are affected by governance & managerial approaches. Assignments will include case studies that present examples of strategic planning & management challenges.
Course #
HPSE-GE 2011
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

How do I Build a Culture of Achievement of My Students and Myself?

Module builds on previous units’ focus on knowing learners & the contexts where they learn to develop students’ understanding of their obligations to their diverse learners, & of their teaching environments. Students will be encouraged to explore more complex understandings of teaching & learning than those they may have acquired in their own schooling. They will learn classroom management & self-assessment skills & identify the teaching assets they bring to classroom environments, including their content knowledge & previous leadership experiences
Course #
EMAT-GE 2007
Teaching and Learning

How do I Individualize Curricula for Students with Disabilities?

This course introduces fundamentals of curriculum planning and development for a specific set of learners. Focus will be on creating content-rich curricula that provide culturally relevant learning experiences for students with disabilities and enable them to connect meaningfully to other content areas and experiences outside the classroom. The focus on development of curricula that meet content area standards will address students’ varied learning needs; providing individualized instruction (including use of IEPs in the classroom).
Course #
EMAT-GE 2019
Teaching and Learning

How do I individualize curriculum for students with disabilities?

This course introduces fundamentals of curriculum planning and development for students with disabilities. Residents will learn how to collaboratively develop, modify, and adapt curricula for students with disabilities in a range of educational settings in teams with general education interns. Residents will also learn to individualized education plans (IEPs) to drive curricular design, implementation, and assessment. Our focus is on middle, high school, and transition-aged youth who are in separate and inclusive learning environments.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2023
Teaching and Learning

How Do I Know What All My Students Know?

This course focuses on assessment as an integral dimension of teaching and learning. Our goals are to examine the role of assessment in designing and implementing IEPs for students with disabilities, and apply evidence-based assessment practices to address learning outcomes and enhance understanding for all students. This course encourages interns to examine the uncertainty that lies at the heart of teaching- and to identify practices that promote equitable learning opportunities for all.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2111
Teaching and Learning

How Do I Know What They Know?

This module focuses on assessment. Topics include formal classroom assessment (for example, tests, writing assignments, & projects); informal classroom assessment (as carried out in classroom discussions, monitoring of small groups, one-on-one observations & discussions, & students’ self-assessment & peer assessment); grading; external standardized assessment. The module also includes preparation for the MAT program summative assessment
Course #
EMAT-GE 2025
Teaching and Learning

How Do I Make a Difference and Build Leadership through Participatory Action Research?

This culminating module focuses on a year-long participatory action research (PAR) journey. PAR is characterized by a collaborative process of inquiry and action for change in response to organizational or community challenges. Interns engage in a cycle of inquiry that focuses on the process of designing, creating, implementing, and practice radical listening, and being mindful learners and leaders. Interns are encouraged to reflect on the process and how it helped them develop student leadership, advocacy and voice as leaders.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2109
Teaching and Learning

How Do I Make a Difference with Research?

This culminating module focuses on participatory action research (PAR), which is one of the programmatic themes. PAR is characterized by a collaborative process of inquiry & action for change in response to organizational or community problems. Interns will learn how to design, create, implement, participate in, & present a PAR program of research focuses on a content area problem as well as learn how to keep the everyday world problematic, how to practice radical listening, & how to be a mindful learner.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2035
Teaching and Learning

How Do I Teach Literacy for All Learners?

Literacy is most basically defined as the ability to read and write. More broadly, it is the process of using written and spoken symbols to communicate ideas and interact. We focus on the development of literacy (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in children and ways that teachers can facilitate this with different approaches and resources. We explore theoretical, scientific, and practical issues in literacy with an emphasis on the connections between oral language and literacy, multilingual learners, students with disabilities, working with families.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2103
Teaching and Learning

How Do I Teach Math for All Learners?

In this module, emerging teachers are prepared to teach math to diverse learners in various grades. We examine theoretical and practical issues with an emphasis on creating classroom communities where students develop a positive disposition toward the subject. Attention focuses on the development of number sense and student habits to engage productively in mathematical sense-making and problem-solving. We explore pedagogically driven models of learning, use multiple lenses to construct practical, grounded, and equity-based approaches to teaching math.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2104
Teaching and Learning

How Do I Teach Reading and Writing in My Discipline?

Teaching for understanding in each content area requires building students’ abilities to read & write in their discipline. Topics include differences in texts & purposes for reading & writing across disciplines; integrating literacy into lesson planning; specific methods to support literacy; developing academic language; & approaches for teaching students with diverse literacy skills & experiences. In cross-disciplinary & discipline-specific teams, students will gain skills in planning, implementing, and improving their reading & writing instruction.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2018
Teaching and Learning

How Do I Teach Science?

Module focuses on the fundamentals of developing science curriculum that is meaningful, culturally relevant, & responds to the needs & ability levels of diverse learners. Students will study the history of science & science pedagogy, individualization of curriculum for diverse learners, using models to teach scientific concepts, & teaching science using informal and community resources. Emphasis will be placed on use of scientific models & interactive activities to provoke inquiry-based learning.
Course #
EMAT-GE 2013
Teaching and Learning