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Ed Tech Studio: Co-designing Game Based Lrng Experiences

Summer institute focused on co-designing game-like learning strategies to address authentic educational problems. Through face-to-face and online activities, this blended course partners graduate students with pre and in-service teachers to create usable learning materials, which are then archived online to support continued collaborations. Final project allows students to test game-based designs at an onsite children's summer camp. Course targets students seeking to apply design to real-world settings and teachers seeking unique professional development.
Course #
EDCT-GE 2553
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Ed Tech Studio: Creative Learning Design

Students engage with concepts, theories, designs, and examples of learning experiences that may or may not be seen as "creative" by learners and stakeholders in China. Explores what creative learning might be in Chinese contexts through hands-on projects, qualitative data collection/analysis, and applications of theories of learning, design, and creativity to experiences and sites across the lifespan. Students create case studies which critique, problematize, and challenge traditional notions of creative learning and assembled into a shared online resource publication.
Course #
EDCT-GE 2253
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Ed Tech Studio: Design for a Client

Working with a real world client, students will work collaboratively on an integrated design project to imagine creative solutions to emergent problems, think critically, communicate effectively, and manage both human and material resources. On teams with graduate student peers, faculty, and external clients students will develop skills to understand, empathize and "frame" client challenges and opportunities responsive to challenging times. Students will present solutions to problems and opportunities, and iterate based on feedback.
Course #
EDCT-GE 2554
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

EdTech Entrepreneurship

This course is an introduction to entrepreneurship in education where students learn how to critically evaluate ideas, companies, and markets related to educational technology, especially in relation to some of the key problems and challenges of educating all people to their fullest potential. Students hear from
guest experts, explore in-depth case studies, and do field work with companies in the NYU Edtech Accelerator. Students may also participate in a concurrent optional internship (permission of instructor required).
Course #
EDCT-GE 2116
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Educating Students with Disabilities in Middle Childhood and Adolescent Settings

Strategies for general and special education teachers to meet the cognitive, emotional, and social needs of adolescents with disabilities in general education classes in middle and high schools. Methods for collaboration with teachers, parents and other professionals, including participation in IEP development. Examination of service delivery models at the middle and high school levels. Issues of transition planning, curriculum development, instructional planning, uses of technology, identifying strengths and differentiating instruction, with a special focus on the development of literacy skills and processes that promote social skill development and interpersonal communication
Course #
Teaching and Learning

Education & Social Reform in South Africa

An in-depth study of education reform in an international context. The goal is to understand education policy reform, with attention to the contexts & variables contributing to reform initiatives, With emphasis on original research & the exchange of ideas, students will explore educational reform’s contextual variables & the push & pull factors such as globalization & key international institutions involved in reform. Different theoretical frameworks used to understand educational reform will be examined.
Course #
AMLT-GE 2073
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Education Abroad: Theory and Practice

Learn essential concepts in the design and administration of study abroad and apply learning through support of short-term study abroad programming. In a series of seminars, participants will study theories of education specific to study abroad including those related to pedagogical practices, risk management, access and equity, and the field of education abroad. Students partner with faculty and global affairs staff to create a personalized practicum that applies concepts learned to the administration and delivery of a short-term, faculty-led study abroad program.
Course #
INTE-GE 2583
1 - 3
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Education and Conflict

This course explores the politics of civil conflict, peacebuilding, and the role of education in promoting violence or peace. Specifically it explores the humanitarian efforts of international actors (international organizations, bilateral donors, NGOs), local actors (civil society associations, nationalist and ideological factions), and their influence on education systems during war and emerging peace. Case studies may include Afghanistan, Colombia, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, and West Bank/Gaza.
Course #
INTE-GE 2028
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Education and Social Entrepreneurship

Innovative solutions in education are emerging from the private sector every day. Business ventures from Teach for America to Khan Academy are changing the way teachers are prepared, the way students learn, and the way institutions use data. These ideas are started by “social entrepreneurs,” people who try to improve lives through solutions that have a market and customers. Students in this course learn about social entrepreneurship, how to identify critical issues in the education-related space, and how to develop their own entrepreneurial solutions accordingly.
Course #
EDST-UE 1503
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Education and Social Policy

Course is designed to introduce students to public policy & provide a foundation for understanding & assessing education policies in particular. Students will examine the theoretical perspectives in policy as well as examine the policy process & the institutions under which policies are formed, specifically the difference between market systems & the role of government. Fourth, the methods & tools for policy analysis, both before & after policies are implemented will be studied. Finally, students will examine the role of institutions as well as policy design. Topics may include No Child Left Behind, financial aid for higher education, tax reforms to encourage saving for college, school reform in major cities, poverty & inequality, among others.
Course #
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Education and the American Dream: Historical Perspectives

The course will examine historical perspectives on the relationship between public schooling and the promotion of democratic ideals. Students will explore some of the central goals and purposes of American public education over the past two centuries, and the historiographical debates about those goals and purposes. In the second half of the course, students will the relationship between schooling and civic education, and between schooling and specific communities, in order to ask whether the goals of schooling might promote or contradict the goals of particular groups who seek to benefit from public education, and ways in which education does not promote democratic ideals.

Liberal Arts Core/CORE Equivalent - satisfies the requirement for Society & Social Sciences
Course #
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Liberal Arts Core
Societies and the Social Sciences

Education as a Social Institution

This course considers the role of education as a social institution and the ways in which it fosters, prevents, and maintains social inequities in the U.S. We examine the structural and cultural ways in which schools have played a role in building and sustaining social hierarchies and shaped the character of our society. We explore how schooling socializes students differently based on their real/perceived culture, race, class, gender, sexual identity, and immigrant status and how that leads to differential outcomes for different groups. Students explore the origins, development, and current state of social theory and practice/research on education.
Course #
SOED-UE 1015
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Education Consulting

This practice-based course provides students with an opportunity to learn about the education consulting profession. The first module provides a critical overview of how consultants work with schools, districts, universities and nonprofit organizations to assess educational challenges. The second covers multiple applied research methods, including design thinking, individual and focus group interviews, and secondary data analysis. During the third module students consult for a school, district or nonprofit organization, getting first-hand experience in the profession.
Course #
EDST-UE 1505
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Education Finance

Policymakers allocate a considerable proportion of federal, state and local budgets to K-12 education yet questions remain about the equitable distribution of funding and the returns on the investment in public education. The focus of this course is the core concepts of K-12 education finance. Topics to be covered include but are not limited to: human capital and signaling theory, education production function, approaches to adequacy, the differences between adequacy and equity in school finance, and types of funding.
Course #
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Education in Art Museums

An exploration of the history and development of art education and its role and function in the museum. Strategies for teaching and addressing different populations in various environments are studied. Various programs and educational materials are explored and analyzed. Classroom lectures are supplemented by site visits.
Course #
ARVA-GE 2021
Art and Art Professions

Education Law

Develops an understanding of legal principles and procedures affecting the work of the teacher, administrator and school board member.Consideration of legislation and court decisions arising in connection with organization, policies, and administration of school and districts. Major topics are certification, tenure, tort liability, academic freedom, civil rights, religion and the schools, legal implications of fiscal policy for the creation of learning opportunities, and consideration of powers of the commissioner, school boards, legislatures, superintendents, principals, and trustees.
Course #
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Education of Students with Disabilities in Childhood Settings

No Course Description Available
Course #
Teaching and Learning

Education Studies Internship

This course for Education Studies majors provides academic credit for internships in fields related to education. The course is intended to help students: acquire valuable experience and exposure to real-world issues in careers in the field of education; develop basic professional skills identified as especially important by employers; assemble a portfolio of materials useful for future job search; and develop networking relationships within the education
Course #
EDST-UE 1605
2 - 4
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Educational Data Science Practicum

This intensive laboratory course will focus on doing data analysis projects with real data selected by the students. The core skills are oriented around first framing good research questions, then having these guide interacting with data of all types and varying quality (e.g., web-scraped, or clickstream-based rather than large national surveys) via visualization, principled modeling and evaluation of models using statistical learning techniques such as regression, classification and clustering, and presentation of results, using "reproducible research" tools (e.g., knitr, sweave) in the R programming language.
Course #
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Educational Policy Analysis

Students will develop an understanding of the ways in which they may inquire about policy issues relevant in their academic & professional lives. By exploring in depth a substantial body of knowledge drawn from selected cases & current theoretical issues, students will study the development of policy, the instruments used to effect policy, & some analyses of implementation.
Course #
Administration, Leadership, and Technology