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Graduate Courses

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Interdisciplinary Projects: Autobiography

Picasso famously said: "Art is the lie that tells the truth." Students will read and discuss texts exploring such topics as personal myth/legend and fictionalized confession. Questions of authenticity and personal revelation will be discussed as they relate to contemporary art practice. Students will complete three studio projects that reflect these and related issues. Because this is an interdisciplinary studio course, any medium, e.g., painting, photo, performance, installation, video, sculpture, drawing, digital, is acceptable as a means to explore class content. Regular visits to galleries are not only encouraged, they are expected.
Course #
ART-GE 2919
Art and Art Professions

Interdisciplinary Projects: Contemporary Practice

This course is constructed around the belief that artists are highly adaptable & flexible, & that their role in an arts community (& the community at large) is fundamental to their practice. To that end, this intensive MFA-only course will serve as a communal laboratory investigating the meaning of “contemporary practice.” The course will pose the question: how does a young artist find community in the art world? As a result, the course is cursory experiment in community building.
Course #
ART-GE 2988
3 - 4
Art and Art Professions

Interdiscipline UG Proj Studio Art: Participatory Art

Course #
ART-GE 2977
Art and Art Professions

Intermediate Quantitative Methods: The General Linear Model

This course is designed to meet the data analytic needs of the doctoral students whose dissertation relies on the analysis of quantitative data. Procedures important to the data analyst are covered including data entry and definition, treating missing data, detecting outliers, and transforming distributions. First term topics include multiple regression, analysis of covariance, repeated measures analysis of variance, and multivariate analysis of variance and covariance. Second term topics emphasize categorical data analysis, odds, rations, standardization, log linear models, logistic regression. Other topics include multinominal logistic models, survival analysis, principle components, and factor analysis. The approach is conceptual with heavy reliance on computer software packages. Appropriate for doctoral students desiring specialized knowledge beyond the introductory sequence.
Course #
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

International Development and Education: Practice in Ghana

Focuses on the connection between international development and education scholarship and on-the-ground practice. Topics include the role of education in international development- translation from theory to practice- challenges and opportunities for education in developing contexts- best practices- and lived experiences. Course emphasizes Ghanian education- as approached by local- national- and international development actors- and site visits and interactions with schools- state agencies- and non-governmental organizations.
Course #
INTE-GE 2864

International Issues in Nutrition and Food: Cuba

Students will examine the main factors affecting food, nutrition, and health
practices in Cuba. Students will learn about traditional nutrition and health practices, nutrition programs and the Cuban nutrition and health care systems through a combination of lectures, seminars, field trips, fieldwork, and research.
Course #
NUTR-GE 2111
Nutrition and Food Studies

International Perspectives on Educational Reform

An in-depth study of education reform in an international context. The goal is to understand education policy reform, with attention to the contexts and variables contributing to reform initiatives, With emphasis on original research and the exchange of ideas, students will explore educational reform's contextual variables and the push and pull factors such as globalization and key international institutions involved in reform. Different theoretical frameworks used to understand educational reform will be examined.
Course #
AMLT-GE 2072
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

International Studies in Human Rights Education

Examination of international human rights standards and principals, using case studies to analyze violations of basic human rights programs. Emphasis is on the role of international and local NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in the human rights movement, and the role of education in promoting human rights. Considers different approaches to teaching human rights in both formal and non-formal educational settings.
Course #
INTE-GE 2809
3 - 4
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

International Study in Foods and Nutrition

This course uses Italy and the Mediterranean diet as a case study to examine and write about food and nutrition from historical, journalistic, political, health, agricultural, cultural, and culinary perspectives. Participate in interactive cooking classes, take virtual tours, and learn from expert guest speakers in Italy and the US, including archeologists, food writers and historians, restaurant reviewers, olive oil experts, sommeliers, and others.
Course #
NUTR-GE 2208
2 - 6
Nutrition and Food Studies

Internationalization and Study Abroad

This course focuses on the history, design, variety, impact & challenges of contemporary study abroad programs. The links between internationalization & globalization in the development of study abroad programs in the United States will be analyzed. Discussion will include the origins of study abroad; the many varieties of academic formats, sponsorships & venues; the demographics of student participants; the academic, cultural & personal learning of students; & the academic & administrative challenges faced by sponsoring colleges & universities.
Course #
HPSE-GE 2045
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Internship and Seminar in Drama Therapy

This course prepares students to engage in the process of clinical internship. In this lecture course students will receive an overview of issues relevant to clinical internship practice including but not limited to: OSHA, HIPAA, and NY State Child Abuse and Mandated Reporting materials; Ethics; Professional Identity; Interventions and Procedures for Suicidal and Homicidal behaviors, Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse and Dependency; Overview of theoretical and drama therapeutic interventions relating to child and adolescent development, mental illness, dementia and aging. Strategies for Termination.
Course #
1 - 4
Music and Performing Arts Professions

Internship and Seminar: Education, Politics, and Advocacy

In this culminating experience students engage in fieldwork in a community-based or advocacy organization & participate in a university seminar to discuss their field-based experiences. Students develop a professional platform, keep reflective journals, & intern under the mentorship of field-based supervisors. Seminar discussions focus on issues of educational leadership, politics & advocacy in field-based organizations.
Course #
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Internship in Art Therapy

Fieldwork consists of a minimum of 12 points (or 1,000 hours) including 110 hours of supervision by an experienced art therapist. Fieldwork experience provides the student with practical involvement in acquiring the basic skills of an art therapist in a variety of medical and non medical settings, including mental hospitals, psychiatric wards, outpatient clinics, and mental health centers.
Course #
ARTT-GE 2302
1 - 5
Art and Art Professions

Internship in College Teaching

For those considering college teaching or desiring to improve their competencies as instructors. Students intern with master teachers, teach classes under critical supervision, develop, administer, & grade examinations, & analyze results. Several meetings are held with an instructor in the department to discuss problems in college teaching.
Course #
HPSE-GE 2101
3 - 6
Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Internship in Costume Studies

Internships can take place in a variety of settings including museums, galleries, publishers, foundations, fashion houses, libraries, archives and other institutions. Students work closely with the internship coordinator to assess their progress and define goals. Internships should be arranged during the term before interning.
Course #
ARCS-GE 2302
Art and Art Professions

Internship in Counseling for Mental Health & Wellness I

Depending on type of program delivery, this first internship course requires a minimum of 200 or minimum of 300 hours of supervised counseling experience in an approved mental health setting & participation in a weekly university seminar. Student internship sites include community mental health agencies, chemical dependency treatment programs, college counseling centers, hospital settings, hospice programs, special programs for abused women & victims of violence, among others. Seminar sessions provide opportunities to discuss the range of their professional experiences as counselors-in-training. Topic areas include: individual & group counseling, psychoeducational interventions, case conceptualization and treatment planning, intakes/assessments and diagnostic interviewing, crisis intervention, multicultural, & ethical issues. Students are expected to adhere to ACA ethical guidelines.
Course #
APSY-GE 2655
Applied Psychology

Internship in Counseling for Mental Health & Wellness II

Depending on the type of program delivery, students complete a minimum of 200 or minimum of 300 hours of supervised counseling experience in an approved mental health setting & participation in a weekly university seminar. Student internship sites include community mental health agencies, chemical dependency treatment programs, college counseling centers, hospital settings, hospice programs, special programs for abused women & victims of violence, among others. Seminar sessions provide opportunities to discuss the range of their professional experiences as counselors-in-training and the supervision of students’ counseling cases. Students are expected to adhere to ACA ethical guidelines.
Course #
APSY-GE 2656
2 - 4
Applied Psychology

Internship in Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness III

This third term of internship requires a minimum of 200 hours of supervised counseling experience in an approved mental health setting and participation in a weekly university seminar. Student internship sites include community mental health agencies, chemical dependency treatment programs, college counseling centers, hospital settings, hospice programs, special programs for abused women and victims of violence, among others. In addition to continued attention to the range of professional issues addressed in the first and second terms of the seminar, the focus of this seminar is on higher level professional development and the supervision of students" counseling interventions within their mental health settings. Students are expected to adhere to ACA ethical guidelines.
Course #
APSY-GE 2675
Applied Psychology

Internship in Counseling Psychology

A full-time one-year internship required of all students. The internship experience consists of professionally supervised training integrating psychological knowledge & its application to the professional delivery of psychological services
Course #
APSY-GE 3016
Applied Psychology

Internship in Dance

This course is designed for graduate dance students in the Professions track and the Professions with ABT track. This is an opportunity to gain supervised experience in a variety of dance-related areas in professional organizations and settings. This internship would require 50 contact hours with the opportunity to gain experience applying the concepts and skills you have learned thus far in your course work. Students are responsible for securing their own internship with guidance from Dance Ed. faculty. Family members cannot supervise you at your internship site.
Course #
Music and Performing Arts Professions