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Norissa Williams

Adjunct Faculty

Applied Psychology

Norissa Williams obtained a BS with a major in Human Services and a minor in Psychology from St John's University. She then obtained a Master's in Social Work from Stony Brook University. Thereafter, impassioned with the desire to create interventions and work at the community level, Norissa returned back to school at Fordham University where she obtained a PhD in Applied Developmental Psychology.

Dr. Williams main research interests are as it pertains to individual and organizational level cultural competence, multicultural education, culturally embedded processes of coping socialization as well as cross cultural differences in coping skills and other mental health related behaviors.

Selected Publications

  • Williams, N.(2019) Using Classroom Composition in Delivering Cultural Competence EducationIn T. Puckett, N. Lind & P. Blessinger (Eds.), Cultural Competence in Higher Education. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
  • Jackson, J.Y. & Williams, N.(2019) African American Women’s Clubs: Perseverance,
  • Resistance, and Declination. In J. Carter-Robinson (Ed.), Many Strides to Freedom: African American Women’s Unsung Contributions & Legacies (pp. 1-18). Hauppauge. NY: Nova Publishing.
  • Williams, N. (2018). Studying Cultural Competence Using Secondary Data Analysis: Considerations for Grad Students Who Have Many Demands on Their Time. SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Kawaii-Bogue, B.,Williams., N, Macnear, K. (2017).Mental Healthcare Access and
  • Treatment Utilization in African American Communities: An Integrative Care Framework. Best Practices in Mental Health. 13, (2), 11-29.


Abnormal Psychology

Theories, conceptions, & descriptions of psychopathology with an emphasis on the interrelationship of diagnosis & treatment, theories of symptoms formation, & criteria of normality.
Course #
APSY-UE 1038
Applied Psychology

Abnormal Psychology

Classification, etiology, symptoms, & treatment of major psychological disorders, including anxiety, mood, eating, substance-related, sexual & gender identity, cognitive, personality, schizophrenia & other psychotic disorders as well as disorders associated with childhood.
Course #
APSY-GE 2038
Applied Psychology

Adolescent Development

Physical, intellectual, social, & psychosexual of adolescent development. Attention to youth from diverse racial/ethnic & sociocultural backgrounds. Applications & implications for schooling & for prevention & intervention programs directed at psychosocial problems in adolescence are discussed.
Course #
APSY-UE 1272
Applied Psychology

Cross-Cultural Counseling

An examination of how behavior & experience are influenced by culture & intersectionality. Emphasis is given to increasing counselor self awareness, knowledge, & skills necessary to apply counseling theory & technique to diverse populations & settings.
Course #
APSY-GE 2682
Applied Psychology

Psychology & Education

Overview of major areas in psychology that are critical to education; discussion of concepts & principles fundamental to the learning process & their application to teaching.
Course #
APSY-UE 1014
Applied Psychology