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Tsu-Hsin Howe

Associate Professor, Department Chair

Occupational Therapy


Tsu-Hsin Howe is Associate Professor and Department Chair in the Department of Occupational Therapy. Her primary research interest focuses on examining motor behaviors in children who are at high-risk for developmental delay with a special interest in feeding-related issues.

Dr. Howe teaches classes on pediatric and research topics at both the master's and doctoral levels. Her clinical expertise offers students a unique perspective in an area of occupational therapy that is critical to the field. Her courses include Theoretical Bases for the Scope of Practice, Theoretical Foundations for Intervention, Developing a guideline for Intervention and Departmental Seminar. She also gives guest lectures on topics related to her specialty.

Dr. Howe has practiced in both community and hospital-based settings for over 20 years, the past 15 of which as a pediatric clinical specialist in Mount Sinai Medical Center of New York City. She has treated infants and children with prematurity, developmental disabilities, congenital heart diseases, neurological deficits, gastrointestinal disorders, and learning disabilities. Her specialty expertise includes neonatal occupational therapy and feeding management. Dr. Howe is trained in neuro-developmental treatment in pediatrics and is certified to administer the Neonatal Oral Motor Assessment Scale.

Selected Publications

Referred Journal Articles

  • Shi, Y., Howe, T.-H., Halpin, P. F., Hu, L. & Wu, B. (2023). Dyadic analysis of illness perceptions among individuals with stroke and their caregivers: Effects on activity engagement in community living. Disability and Rehabilitation, http:// 10.1080/09638288.2023.2246378
  • Gentile, P., Mills, M., & Howe, T.-H. (2023). Intraprofessional Conversations Begin in the Classroom: An Exploratory Study on an OT-OTA Joint Class. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 11(4), 1-12. is external)
  • Lee, M.-T., Howe, T.-H., Chen, C.-C., Wu, C.-Y., & Hsieh, Y.-W. (2023). Grip strength differences in middle-aged and older adults and individuals with stroke. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 59 (3): 294-302. 
  • Shi, Y., Howe, T.-H., & Wu, B. (2023). Impact of illness perceptions on post-stroke activity engagement and the moderating role of gender. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77 (5), 7705205020. is external)
  • Shi, Y., Howe, T.-H., Halpin, P. F. & Wu, B. (2023). Post-stroke activity engagement in community dwellers: association with illness perceptions and perceived environment. Clinical Rehabilitation, 37(1), 132-142. https://
  • Stern, B., Howe, T.-H., & Njelesani, J. (2023). “Self-Efficacy for managing injury after distal radius fracture: A mixed methods exploration. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. is external)
  • Stern, B., Howe, T.-H., & Njelesani, J. (2023). I didn’t know what I could do”: Behaviors, knowledge and beliefs, and social facilitation after distal radius fracture. Journal of Hand Therapy. is external)
  • Chiang, C.-Y., & Howe, T.-H. (2021). Bridge to the Future: A Career Exploration Frame of Reference for Students with Disabilities. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 9(4), 1-13. is external)
  • Stern, B., Njelesani, J. & Howe, T.-H. (2021). Transitioning from hurting to healing: Self-management after distal radius fracture. Disability and Rehabilitation. is external)
  • Wang, T.-N., Howe, T.-H., Liang, K.-J., Chang, T.-W., Shieh, J.-Y., & Chen, H.-L (2021). Bimanual motor performance in everyday life activities in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. European Journal of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine, 57. is external)
  • Stern, B., & Howe, T.-H. (2020) Hand Therapists’ Knowledge and Practice-Related Beliefs About Pain Science: A Survey Study. Journal of Hand Therapy, S0894-1130(20)30146-0. is external).
  • Wang, T.-N., Liang, K.-J., Howe, T.-H., Chen, H.-L., Huang, C.-W., Wu, C.-T. (2020). Spatial Attention Disregard in Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74, 7402205090. is external)
  • Howe, T.-H., Hinojosa, J., & Sheu, C.-F. (2019). A qualitative study of Latino-American mothers’ perspectives on feeding their young children. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 73, 7303205110. is external)10.5014/ajot.2019.031336.
  • Howe, T.-H., Sheu, C.-F., & Wang, T.-N. (2019). Feeding pattern and parental perception of feeding issues of preterm infants in the first 2 years of life. American Journal of Occupational Therapy73, 7302205030. is external)10.5014/ajot.2019.029397
  • Shi, Y., Howe, T.-H.Hinojosa, J., & Wang, J. (2018). Enhancing professionalism and quality of service by establishing an occupational therapy association in the People’s Republic of China. Annals of International Occupational Therapy1(1), 41-48. is external)10.3928/24761222-20180212-06
  • Howe, T.-H., Sheu, C.-F., & Hinojosa, J. (2018). Teaching Theory in occupational therapy using a cooperative learning: A mixed method study. Journal of Allied Health, 47 (1), 66-71.
  • Howe, T.-H., Chen, H.-L., Lee, C. C., Chen, Y.-D., & Wang, T.-N. (2017). The Computerized Perceptual Motor Skills Assessment (CPMSA): A new visual perceptual motor skills evaluation tool for children in early elementary grades. Research in Developmental Disability69, 30-38. is external)


Occupational Therapy

NYU Steinhardt’s occupational therapy program educates both aspiring OTs and credentialed professionals looking to further develop their practices.

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Departmental Seminar: O.T.

Doctoral seminar focusing on selection of an area of study for dissertation and review of the literature therein. Critical examination of scientific and philosophical issues related to student's areas of study.
Course #
OT-GE 3406
0 - 3
Occupational Therapy

Developing a Guideline for Intervention

The use of applied scientific inquiry to formulate sets of guidelines for occupational therapy.
Course #
OT-GE 2763
Occupational Therapy

Evidence-Based Practice

Students will evaluate clinical literature and determine the evidence level of a clinical study, appraise the feasibility of applying such concepts in everyday practice, and design a program evaluation of their own practice using evidence-based approach. The course will emphasize the need for evidence based clinical practice and prepare students to obtain the knowledge and skills for future clinical effectiveness studies (e.g., participate in systematic review, data collections, or being a clinical trial coordinator).
Course #
OT-GE 3301
Occupational Therapy

Introduction to Professional Portfolio

This is the first in a four-course sequence in which students create, assess and refine their portfolios. Portfolios are web-based and include performance observations, case studies, peer ratings, specialty certification, documentation of professional activities, publications, and presentation summaries. At the end of the program, students present their portfolio to a panel of faculty members. The portfolio must document how the student integrated knowledge and skills learned in the curriculum to his or her specialty practice area.
Course #
OT-GE 3310
Occupational Therapy

New Student Seminar in Occupational Therapy

This course introduces the newly accepted professional-level student in the field of occupational therapy, the Steinhart School of Education and to NYU. It is intended to help the student adjust to the demands and responsibilities of graduate professional education, as well as introduce basic concepts in occupational therapy.
Course #
OT-GE 2000
Occupational Therapy

Performance & Development Across the Lifespan

The role of the occupational therapist in relating maturational data from conception to old age to the practice of occupational therapy.
Course #
OT-GE 2709
Occupational Therapy

Research Interpretation of Occupational Therapy

This course guides knowledge development as a professional consumer of research and as a contributor to the growth of the profession. Emphasizes practical applications of research foundations, and addresses methodologies for evidenced-based research, guidelines to facilitate students’ ability to critique published work, and ethical considerations and practices required for conducting research. Students identify a clinical research topic of interest, and develop a proposal to answer that question.
Course #
OT-GE 2725
Occupational Therapy

Research Methods for Occupational Therapy

Introduction for occupational therapist to the practical and ethical methods of scientific inquiry including variable definition, formulating research questions and hypotheses, and proposing research designs for conducting studies. Refinement of skills for reviewing and critiquing the literature.
Course #
OT-GE 2025
Occupational Therapy

Theoretical Bases for the Scope of Practice

Provides foundation knowledge underlying occupational therapy practice for the formulation and use of conceptual practice frameworks. The course focuses on the theories supporting current and emerging areas of occupational therapy practice.
Course #
OT-GE 2030
Occupational Therapy

Theoretical Foundations for Intervention

How theoretical information is formulated, refined, tested, and assessed relative to its suitability for use in sets of guidelines for occupational therapy practice.
Course #
OT-GE 2762
Occupational Therapy