How do we understand the operation of social settings, such as families, classrooms, schools, peer groups, and community-based organizations, where children and youth have many of their formative daily experiences? How do we understand and measure social setting processes (i.e., practices, transactions, norms), or what I refer to as social regularities (Seidman, 1988; 2012)? How do these social regularities affect youths’ positive and negative developmental trajectories? And, how can this knowledge inform the creation of programs and policies to promote positive youth development (Seidman & Cappella, 2017)? These questions reflect my long-standing and current interests and work. My current research focuses on providing teachers feedback about their actual practices, how these practices change over time, and in turn, impact student academic and socio-emotional learning as well as teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction in developing countries.
Selected Publications
Seidman, E., Kim, S., Raza, M., Ishihara, M., & Halpin, P.F. (2018). Assessment of pedagogical practices and processes in low and middle income countries: Findings from secondary school classrooms in Uganda. Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 283-296. DOI:10.1016/j.tate.2017.12.017
Seidman, E., & Cappella, E. (2017). Social setting interventions. In APA Handbook of Community Psychology (pp. 235-254). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Kluwer/Plenum Publishers.
Rappaport, J. & Seidman, E. (Eds.), (2000). Handbook of Community Psychology. New York: Kluwer/Plenum Publishers.
Seidman, E. (2012). An emerging action science of social settings. American Journal of Community Psychology, 50, 1-16. DOI 10.1007/s10464-011-9469-3
Seidman, E. (1988). Back to the future, Community Psychology: Unfolding a theory of social intervention. American Journal of Community Psychology, 16, 3-21.
Seidman, E., Hughes, D., & Williams, N. (Eds.), (1993). Culturally-anchored methodology: A special issue. American Journal of Community Psychology, 21 (6).
Seidman, E. & Rappaport, J. (Eds.), (1986). Redefining Social Problems. New York: Plenum.
Seidman, E. (Ed.) (1983). Handbook of Social Intervention. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.