Meryle Weinstein
Research Professor of Education Policy
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Meryle Weinstein is a Research Professor of Education Policy at the Steinhardt School for Culture, Education and Human Development. She teaches courses in the MA in Education and Social Policy program and Cracking the Code: Understanding Research in Education and Social Policy for undergraduates. Her research focuses on inequality and education, particularly around neighborhood resources and other out of school factors may influence student achievement and success. She continues to work with the American Museum of Natural History on evaluations of Urban Advantage and the MAT Residency Program in Earth Science. Dr. Weinstein also studies school food policies, pupil transportation, and the built environment and their implications on student health and academic success.. Prior to coming to NYU, Dr. Weinstein studied substance abuse and HIV in at the UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies and the San Francisco VA Hospital. She received her doctorate from the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU.