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How Can I Navigate Curriculum and Integrate Arts?

This module challenges students to consider how teachers re-purpose and re-contextualize content within frameworks and approaches including an equity-centered Design Thinking framework and Universal Design for Learning. This course examines the historical and cultural underpinnings of curricular frameworks and explores how to reshape curriculum and integrate arts to affirm a range of student identities and abilities.

How Can I Teach History, Civics and Global Awareness for All?

In elementary school, social studies plays an integral role in students’ sense of identity and community. Here we explore civic engagement, communities, global awareness, history, current events, and culture. We consider the place and meaning of social studies education and connect content to the needs and diversity of students with IEPs and multilingual learners. We consider diverse perspectives of content, critique and create materials and plans for constructing social studies learning environments that integrate engagement with communities and families.

How Can I Make a Difference with Environmental Science?

In this course, students learn to design inclusive science lessons and activities for elementary school learning contexts. Students use a single problem -- water delivery to urban centers -- to apply concepts from a Vygotskian approach to teaching and learning to create, test and revise. Other elementary school science content and connections to equity and justice are explored throughout the course.

How Do I Teach Math for All Learners?

In this module, emerging teachers are prepared to teach math to diverse learners in various grades. We examine theoretical and practical issues with an emphasis on creating classroom communities where students develop a positive disposition toward the subject. Attention focuses on the development of number sense and student habits to engage productively in mathematical sense-making and problem-solving. We explore pedagogically driven models of learning, use multiple lenses to construct practical, grounded, and equity-based approaches to teaching math.

How Do I Teach Literacy for All Learners?

Literacy is most basically defined as the ability to read and write. More broadly, it is the process of using written and spoken symbols to communicate ideas and interact. We focus on the development of literacy (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in children and ways that teachers can facilitate this with different approaches and resources. We explore theoretical, scientific, and practical issues in literacy with an emphasis on the connections between oral language and literacy, multilingual learners, students with disabilities, working with families.

How Can We Build Class Community?

This module focuses on creating safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments for all students. We analyze classroom/school culture, climate, routines, strategies, and environmental design of classrooms, and explore the role and responsibilities of teachers providing special education and related services to students with disabilities. Interns explore models of inclusion, develop respect and rapport with students, support high expectations for all students, collaborate with families and professionals, and create caring classrooms for diverse.

Alumni Spotlight: Jade Kearney (MA ’20)

For Learning Technology and Experience Design alum Jade Kearney (MA ’20), design is a vital tool in the quest for diversity.
Areas of Study: Education

Generous Gift from Okhee Lee Supports STEM Education with Equity and Justice

Lee’s donation will fund a scholarship and an annual symposium for the field.
Areas of Study: Education

A Conversation on Parent-Led Racial Equity Movements

You are invited to join us for a virtual conversation on parent-led racial equity movements.

Areas of Study: Education

Youths Drive Change in NYU Steinhardt’s Teacher Residency

NYU Steinhardt’s Teacher Residency program places teachers in high-needs communities, where they can support their students in making a difference.
Areas of Study: Education
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