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Study Abroad Policies

Short-Term Graduate Courses

Table of Contents:


Current NYU Students 

Steinhardt’s short-term global courses are taught at the graduate level. Master’s and doctoral students from all NYU schools are welcome to apply. Undergraduate students with 96+ credits as of the program start are also eligible to participate unless otherwise specified. Applicants should always consult with their academic adviser to confirm which courses and programs will satisfy their degree requirements.

One exception to the above is the January “Production and A&R in the Music Industry” program in Nashville, Tennessee, which is offered at the undergraduate level. Current NYU undergraduate students who have taken at least one of the three courses below are eligible to apply:

  • Business Structure of the Music Industry (MPAMB-UE 0100)
  • Music Tech Fundamentals (MPATE-UE 1801)
  • The Business of Music: Industry Essentials or How the Contemporary Music Business Works (REMU-UT 1215 or REMU-UT 1202; only open to Clive Davis Institute majors)

Visiting Students

Professionals and students from other universities who have completed a bachelor’s degree at a regionally accredited college or university in the United States by the program start date are welcome to apply to our graduate-level programs. Visiting students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and will be required to submit an official copy of their undergraduate transcript to Steinhardt Global Affairs no later than one month prior to the program start date. The Inter-University Doctoral Consortium is not applicable to study abroad, and current undergraduate students from other institutions are not eligible to enroll in NYU graduate-level courses.

Non-NYU students should consult with their home institution’s academic adviser to determine which courses and programs will transfer and/or satisfy degree requirements at their home institution. NYU cannot guarantee that the credits earned will transfer to the student’s home institution or toward a future degree program. Visiting students enrolling for credit may request an official transcript from the NYU Registrar upon program completion.

Visiting students are encouraged to review the Financial Aid section below for further information about applying financial aid toward study abroad at NYU.

Non-Credit Participants

Steinhardt study abroad programs are credit-bearing academic experiences. A non-credit option for graduate short-term study abroad is available in exceptional instances only. If granted approval to participate on a not-for-credit basis, participants must attend all course activities and complete all assignments. Non-credit participants do not receive an official transcript or other documentation demonstrating completion of the study abroad program. Approval to participate in a non-credit capacity is not guaranteed; in addition, for-credit applicants are prioritized in the application process. Participants who request to participate on a non-credit basis will be automatically placed on the waitlist during the admission cycle until all for-credit applicants have been processed.

If an applicant’s request to participate in a non-credit capacity is granted, they must pay a non-credit fee in lieu of tuition:

  • 1-4 credit program non-credit fee: $3,000
  • 5+ credit program non-credit fee: $4,500

Payment must be made directly to the Office of Global Affairs via credit or debit card, and approved non-credit participants must submit payment for the complete non-credit fee within two weeks of receiving the payment link. Failure to do so will result in the participant’s withdrawal from the program. Non-credit participants are bound by the Student Cancellation Policy.

In addition to the non-credit fee, individuals participating on a not-for-credit basis are also charged the Program Fee, which is billed through NYU Bursar. See the January, Spring Break, and Summer program listings for program-specific fee information. These fees must be paid via the NYU eSuite and in accordance with the Bursar’s payment schedule for the course term. Non-credit participants are also responsible for out-of-pocket expenses such as round-trip airfare, airport transfers, daily meals and incidentals, passport fees, visa fees, vaccinations, etc.

To request to participate in a Steinhardt study abroad program as a non-credit participant, please first submit a study abroad application, then write to

Application Procedures and Timelines

Applications for January and Spring Break programs open in August of each year. Applications for Summer programs open in December of each year. For more information about the application process, deadlines, and admissions notification timelines, please see the “How to Apply” page.


Faculty leaders and Global Affairs staff review applicants for NYU Steinhardt January, Spring Break, and Summer graduate study abroad programs and the January Nashville undergraduate program. Applicants are evaluated on their academic background and demonstrated academic, professional, and personal interest in the chosen program topic. Applicants will be notified of the status of their application via a letter posted to their application status portal and will either be offered admission, waitlisted, or denied.

Accept or Decline Offer of Admission

All students offered a place in a Steinhardt short-term graduate study abroad program or the January undergraduate Nashville program must accept or decline the offer no later than the date provided in their admissions letter. Students who do not officially accept their offer of admission by the deadline will be automatically withdrawn from their program. Students may not defer their offer of acceptance.

Waitlisted Students

Students who are waitlisted may:

  • Remain on the waitlist for the program. If a spot becomes available, the student will be notified and asked to accept or decline the offer.
  • Submit an application for a different study abroad program. This option should be pursued in consultation with Global Affairs staff and the student’s academic advisor. Admission is not guaranteed.
  • Withdraw their application.

Student Cancellation Policy

Program Fees

Students who accept an offer to participate in a Steinhardt graduate study abroad program are committing to participating in the program. Should a student withdraw for any reason after accepting the offer to participate, a cancellation fee will be assessed:

  • If the student withdraws at any time between the date they accept the offer of admission and the 31st day before their course's start date, a $500 cancellation fee will be assessed to their Bursar e-bill.
  • If the student withdraws in the 30 days leading up to the course start date, the full Program Fee will be charged to the participant’s Bursar e-billl. Note that the course start date for Spring Global courses is the first class meeting of the Spring semester.

Any request to withdraw from a study abroad program must be submitted in writing to the Office of Global Affairs at 

Students participating in the January undergraduate Nashville program are not bound by these cancellation policies and will not be charged a cancellation fee should they withdraw before the start of their program.

No refunds will be granted after the start date of the program.


Steinhardt Global Affairs’ credit-bearing graduate courses incur tuition, registration, and services fees at the regular NYU Steinhardt rate for graduate courses. Refunds of tuition, registration, and services fees are subject to the NYU Office of the Bursar's Refund Schedule


Participants are responsible for purchasing their own flights to and from the program destination and are bound by the change, cancellation, and refund policies of the airline with whom they purchase flights. Students should refrain from purchasing airline tickets until they have been instructed to do so by the Office of Global Affairs. Participants are strongly encouraged to review the airline’s change and cancellation policy before making a purchase and to consider purchasing refundable or changeable tickets. If a student withdraws from their program after purchasing their flights, they are responsible for any charges or fees incurred by their airline.

Financial Aid

Current Students

Financial aid may include loans, grants, scholarships, and other awards from various sources.

Federal financial aid:

  • For January and Spring Break study abroad programs:
    • NYU graduate students are eligible for federal financial aid in the January and/or Spring terms if they are registered for at least 4.5 credits between J-Term and Spring combined or are registered at half-time equivalency. They must also have a valid FAFSA on file.
    • NYU undergraduate students are eligible for federal financial aid in the January and/or Spring terms if they are registered for at least 6 credits between J-Term and Spring combined and have a valid FAFSA on file.
  • For Summer study abroad programs:
    • NYU graduate students are eligible for federal financial aid in the Summer term if they are registered for at least 4.5 credits in the Summer term or are registered at half-time equivalency. They must also have a valid FAFSA on file.
    • NYU undergraduate students are eligible for federal financial aid in the Summer term if they are registered for 6 credits or more in the Summer term and have a valid FAFSA on file.

Grants and scholarships:

  • Individual grants and scholarships may have specific requirements or restrictions on how they may be applied. If you plan to apply grants and/or scholarships towards a study abroad program, please contact the office or organization that issued your award to confirm that the funds may be applied to a study abroad course.

Please visit NYU Steinhardt's financial aid page for specific details about financial aid policies and procedures.

Visiting students

Per federal regulations, visiting students are not eligible for financial aid through NYU (except the Need-Based and Astor Scholarships, which are open to visiting students). Visiting students should contact the financial aid office at their home institution regarding their financial aid options.

Academic and Conduct Policies

All participants who have been accepted to a Steinhardt study abroad program, including current NYU graduate and undergraduate students as well as visiting students and working professionals, must comply with the following policies. Failure to comply may result in the participant's withdrawal from the program.

Academic Status

For all current NYU and non-NYU students, participation in a Steinhardt study abroad program is contingent upon the student's continued academic success through the duration of the semester prior to departure. Should a student's admission to a Steinhardt study abroad program be revoked as a result of poor academic performance, NYU will not be responsible for refunding any expenses incurred.

Attendance Policy

All participants are required to attend all meetings and class sessions before, during, and after the program’s travel component. Failure to attend required meetings may negatively impact the participant’s final grade (for graded, credit-bearing experiences) and/or result in the participant being withdrawn from the program. Should a student's admission to a Steinhardt study abroad program be revoked due to attendance issues, NYU will not be responsible for refunding any expenses incurred.

Participant Conduct Expectations

By enrolling in a study abroad program, the participant assumes not only the rights and privileges of membership in a unique community but also the duties of citizenry associated with maintaining the values of the University community and those of the country they are visiting. Each participant is expected to conduct his or her academic and non-academic life in a manner that demonstrates consideration for the rights, property, and interests of NYU, concern for the well-being of other community members, and respect for the culture, customs, and laws of the nation in which the participant is a guest.

On behalf of, and in conjunction with, its members, the University has a duty to address behavior that jeopardizes the health, safety, or welfare of its members; compromises the academic or intellectual process; disrupts the administrative and support services of the University; and/or shows a disrespect for the country and the local community in which the academic center is located. Participants who are alleged to have engaged in behavior that violates the Study Away Standard, New York University policies, and/or site-specific policies will be subject to review through the University student conduct process at the Center and/or the University level as deemed appropriate. The University also reserves the right to report matters involving criminal acts to the proper authorities. In disciplinary matters involving a visiting student whose home institution is other than NYU, NYU reserves the right to inform the appropriate office at that institution of the matter and results of all disciplinary decisions involving that student.

Students who have been placed on University disciplinary probation or on deferred suspension from University housing are ineligible to participate in an NYU Steinhardt study abroad program during the period of their probation and/or deferred status. Students who have been suspended, withdrawn, or dismissed from the University, or who have been dismissed or suspended from University housing, are ineligible to participate in a Steinhardt study abroad program. Should a student's admission to a Steinhardt study abroad program be revoked as a result of disciplinary action or conduct violation, NYU will not be responsible for refunding any expenses incurred in preparation for the intended study abroad program.

Participants are responsible for reviewing and understanding the University student conduct process, which includes policies and procedures applicable to ALL program participants regardless of their status as an NYU student, visiting student, or working professional. 

University Student Conduct Policies

All study abroad program participants must read and understand the following University policies, which remain in effect during global courses and apply to all NYU students, non-NYU students, and non-student professionals who participate in a Steinhardt study abroad program:

International Laws

NYU portal campuses (NYU Shanghai and NYU Abu Dhabi) and Global Academic Centers (e.g., NYU London, NYU Buenos Aires, etc.) may enact additional supplemental policies and/or alternative language to provide clarity and context and to ensure compliance with local law and customs. In the event of a conflict between the policies on this page and a supplemental policy enacted at an NYU global site, the latter shall be controlling.

Faculty, staff, students, and non-student participants should be aware that in addition to the university sanctions, all program participants are subject to the local laws of the host country, which may specify fines or imprisonment for conviction of offenses. When appropriate or necessary, NYU will cooperate fully with international law enforcement agencies. Participants are responsible for informing themselves about the laws of the host country, particularly in regard to controlled substances.

Immediate Suspension

If a Steinhardt study abroad program participant's behavior presents an imminent threat to their own physical or emotional health, safety, or well-being, or the health, safety, or well-being of others, the maintenance of public order, or the effective continuation of the educational process, the faculty director and/or Office of Global Affairs staff may immediately suspend the participant from the program before any formal disciplinary proceeding. The director shall promptly advise the Dean of the school in which the student is enrolled (if they are a current NYU student) and the designated representative from the Office of Global Affairs. The participant will be required to leave program housing immediately and will be responsible for making their own return travel arrangements or alternate housing arrangements. The participant will not be able to take a grade of Incomplete in the course, nor will they receive any refund for the course. Typically, the grade entered on the student’s transcript in such cases will be an F.

University Leave Status

Students who have been on leave from the University must return to the New York City campus and successfully complete one academic semester (Fall or Spring) of full-time coursework before enrolling in a Steinhardt study abroad program.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Rights (FERPA) 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) was enacted to protect the privacy of students' education records, to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide students with an opportunity to have inaccurate or misleading information in their education records corrected. New York University has adopted its policies and procedures.

Health Policy

The Office of Global Affairs is committed to the health and safety of all program participants. The NYU Student Health Center reviews the Steinhardt Global Affairs rosters and will contact students directly if its health professionals identify any reason to discuss their participation in a study abroad program.

The Office of Global Affairs recommends that all participants have a general physical done well before departure to identify and address any conditions that may impact their study abroad experience. Participants should also confirm that all of their routine immunizations are up to date. If specific immunizations are required for the visa application process, the Office of Global Affairs will inform the program participants.

Participants who require academic and/or housing accommodations or special services should register with the NYU Henry and Lucy Moses Center for Student Accessibility. The Moses Center will work with the participant and Global Affairs to approve and arrange reasonable accommodations. This process should begin as early as possible to allow time for adequate planning and implementation.

International Health Insurance

For programs based outside of the United States, Steinhardt Global Affairs enrolls all participants in international health insurance through GeoBlue. Services provided include accident and sickness insurance, physician recommendations, medical translation guides, emergency medical evacuations, and more. Coverage can be reviewed via the GeoBlue Student Member Guide.

Housing Policies

NYU Housing Abroad

Study away and abroad participants stay in shared-occupancy housing arranged by the Office of Global Affairs for the duration of their program. Program participants are required to stay in the university-provided housing for both safety and student-life reasons. Students who require single-person housing for health reasons must submit a housing accommodation request through the Moses Center as soon as possible, and forward the email confirming the accommodation to once they receive it. Students who are approved for a single housing accommodation will be required to pay a supplemental single housing fee.

Graduate students who wish to stay with family members who live in the local area may submit a housing requirement exemption request by emailing the Office of Global Affairs at as soon as possible. These requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed to be approved. Participants who are approved to waive out of the NYU-provided housing must attend all scheduled course activities and are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from the NYU-arranged accommodation and/or classroom. Participants should note that study abroad course schedules are intensive and include full-day itineraries. If approved for a housing requirement exception, the participant must complete the New York University Housing Waiver and Release Form.

Students who have been approved to waive out of NYU-provided housing are bound by the Student Cancellation Policy.

Visitors Policy

Non-participant guests, including spouses, children, family members, friends, and other NYU students, are not permitted in NYU study abroad program housing. Likewise, visitors are prohibited from participating in group activities, tours, and meals. There are no exceptions. Violation of this policy will result in immediate dismissal from the program.

Contact Information

Office of Global Affairs
NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
82 Washington Square East, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Phone: (212) 992-9380