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Special Non-Degree Advising

Student Advisement


Non-Degree special students who possess a bachelor’s degree are welcome, with the approval of the Office of Graduate Admissions, to take graduate-level courses at NYU Steinhardt. Those seeking permission to register as a Non-Degree student must be US citizens or permanent residents, with at least a 3.00 overall undergraduate grade point average. Approval to register is subject to the rules and regulations of the School. NYU cannot sponsor international students in graduate non-degree study at Steinhardt.

See steps to apply for admission as a non-degree special student and complete the online Non-Degree Application. Questions about this application may be directed to the Office of Graduate Admissions, Pless Hall, 82 Washington Square East, 3rd Floor, 212-998-5030,

A non-refundable $75 application fee and an official university transcript indicating bachelor's degree conferral must be submitted with the online application.

NYU employees, cooperating teachers and educational affiliates (in Non-Degree status) are not required to submit the $75 application fee, but must still submit an official university transcript indicating bachelor's degree conferral with the online application.

Admission as a Non-Degree student is valid for one semester. If you are a returning Non-Degree student you must re-apply by submitting a new application each semester you wish to register. If you previously submitted a transcript along with a hard copy non-degree application (on paper or via pdf), you will need to submit your transcript again via the online application process. However, you do not need to submit a transcript if you previously submitted a transcript using the online non-degree application system.  

Non-Degree application deadline: Ideally, you must complete the application process one week before the start of classes. Applications cannot be processed after the start of classes.


You may review program descriptions in the Steinhardt Graduate Bulletin

See the class schedule by semester (click on Public Course Search), which includes course descriptions.

See the NYU Building Code Key for classroom locations.

To schedule an advisement and/or registration clearance appointment with an advisor, please see list below.  If you do not see the program or department you wish to take courses with, please contact Graduate Admissions for a list of advisors by department and/or program with which you may be interested in registering for course(s).

Department of Applied Psychology: 212-998-5555 or (Not accepting non-degree students in Summer 2023 or Fall 2023) 

Program in Higher Education: 212-998-5520 or

Department of Media, Culture, and Communication: 212-998-5191 or

Program in Music Technology: 212-998-5424 or

Department of Nutrition and Food Studies: 212-998-5580 or

Department of Teaching and Learning: 212-998-5460 or

Proof of Immunization

New York University requires that all students enrolling in six or more credits comply with New York State Public Health Law 2165, which requires all students born on or after January 1, 1957 to present proof of immunization against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. Please contact the University Health Center with your proof of immunization and/or questions at 726 Broadway, 3rd Floor, 212-443-1199.

Registration Policy

Review important dates by visiting the NYU Registrar website for registration and semester start and end dates. Non-Degree students may only register for NYU Steinhardt courses that are open to all students.

Students interested in enrolling in courses offered by the following departments must first meet with a departmental adviser for permission each semester:

  • Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
  • Program in Higher Education
  • Program in Music Technology
  • Department of Media, Culture, and Communication
  • Program in Mathematics Education
  • Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Department of Applied Psychology (Not accepting non-degree students in 2025) 

Students who would like to enroll in “restricted” courses within NYU Steinhardt must first contact the department offering the course(s) for permission and access codes before obtaining general clearance by a special student adviser.

Student Teaching, Fieldwork, Independent Study, Internship and Practicum courses are not open to Non-Degree students.

Non-Degree students may not audit courses or elect the pass/fail option, and are not eligible for financial aid, University Health Insurance, or use of fitness and athletic facilities.

Students may not complete more than 18 credits of course work while in  Non-Degree status.

If you accept admission as a matriculated student in a Steinhardt degree program, you may not register for classes as a Non-Degree student. In addition, approval to be a Non-Degree student does not guarantee acceptance into a degree program.

The following Steinhardt programs do not allow Non-Degree student enrollment:

  • Art Therapy
  • Communicative Sciences and Disorders
  • Instrumental Performance
  • Music Business
  • Music Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Piano Performance
  • Studio Art
  • Vocal Performance
  • Online Programs:
    • Counseling@NYU
    • Teacher Residency, Secondary Education
    • OT@NYU
    • Speech@NYU

Registering for Courses on Albert

Albert is accessed through the NYUHome web portal. Before you can access Albert, you must first activate your NYU NetID and NYUHome service by doing the following:

  1. Activate your NetID. You can obtain your NetID and activate it by going to the ITS Start page, clicking Don’t know your NetID? in red in the top right corner of the screen and following the online instructions. You will be asked to enter your N number and date of birth.
  2. Activate your NYUHome service. Complete the steps for setting up a password, click Go to NYUHome! and follow the instructions for activating your NYUHome service.
  3. You can now access Albert. Click the Academics tab in the upper-right portion of the NYUHome window.

Welcome to Albert for Students and Your Personal Records, the main menu for access of your records in NYU's Student Information System (SIS). For registration related functions, please select one of the features listed below the Registration menu bar. Review Albert Help for general information and assistance when needed.

Registration Status 

Registration Status allows you to check your eligibility to register. Look here for any stops on your record, your registration appointment time (if applicable) and adviser approval posting. Please note that it is advisable to also check the Stops feature under the Personal Profile menu bar in order to see a comprehensive list of any stops that may exist on your record.

Course Status 

Course Status allows you to search for courses by subject area to help you create your schedule. You can also perform more specific searches by course meeting day(s) and times.

Student Schedule 

Student Schedule shows you your schedule by term.


Register allows you to register for courses. Once you select the term and click SUBMIT you will be taken to the main registration page. The Current Schedule area of the page will show any enrollment to date for this term. Dropping courses takes place in this section. The Course Request portion of the page is used to register for courses by call number. If a course requires an access code, you will be prompted to enter that code after you click SUBMIT. If you are adding and dropping a course, we suggest you use the CONDITIONAL ADD/DROP feature. ALBERT will check to see if you will gain entry to a course BEFORE dropping a course. The bottom portion of the page allows you to perform a section search. This is a useful search tool that will help you find available classes and the search results will indicate any course prerequisites and/or restrictions, as well as available spaces remaining in each class. You can either search for all available courses, or just the courses that are available AND fit your schedule. After you submit your registration requests, you will receive the results of your request. You will see the courses in which you are now enrolled, closed courses, waitlist option for courses with a waitlist, restrictions and time conflicts, and messages regarding linked activity courses (if, for example, you register for a lecture but not the corresponding lab or recitation, a message will be displayed).


Some courses are set up with a waitlist that is offered when the course closes. If you choose to put your name on the waitlist, it is vital that you understand your responsibilities regarding the following two policies: the flat fee for full time students is based on enrollment for 12-18 points and that your school has established a maximum credit limit which is usually not more than 18 points. If you gain entrance into a waitlisted course, you are responsible for:

  1. Payment of all points generated by enrollment in the course, including points beyond the flat fee range for full-time students.
  2. Adjusting your schedule so the enrollment in the waitlisted course does not take you above the maximum credit load of your school.

Waitlists are active through the first week of class. You should check your schedule frequently to see if you have been put in a waitlisted class. Be sure to adjust your schedule according to the rules above.

Some departments choose to set priorities for their course waitlists by giving preference to certain groups of students. These include graduating seniors, department majors or other classifications. If you place your name on a prioritized waitlist, your position on that waitlist may drop if your classification is outside the parameters set by the department.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding ALBERT registration, please e-mail or

Tuition Payment

Upon completion of the registration process on Albert you will be advised when tuition payment is due. You may review current tuition and registration fees as well as payment deadlines on the Bursar’s website.

Please note: The University reserves the right to block registration and withhold all information regarding the record of any student who is in arrears in the payment of tuition, fees, loans, or other for as long as any arrears remain.


During the Fall and Spring Semesters

First Week

Signature of adviser is required when the student is adding or dropping courses to their program (includes even exchanges) and also for students withdrawing from their program completely.

Second to Third Week

Signatures of adviser and Associate Dean (or designee) are required when the student is adding or dropping courses to their program (includes even exchanges). Students attempting to register for the first time must have an approved registration worksheet for the adviser and Course Permission Form from the department in which the class is being taken.

Students will not be permitted to register after the third week of the term. If you drop a course after the end of the third week of the term the course will remain on your record with a grade of “W.”

Adding a Course

If a student is adding a course to their program (including change of section and even exchanges – changing one course for another course equal in credits) the signature of an adviser is required at all times. Students adding a course during the second and third weeks of the term requires the additional approval of Registration Services, Pless Hall, 2nd Floor, 212-998-5054.

During the Summer Semester

First Day of Session

Signature of adviser is required when the student is adding or dropping courses to their program (includes even exchanges) and also for students withdrawing from their program completely.

Second and Third Days of Session

Signatures of adviser and Associate Dean (or designee) are required when the student is adding or dropping courses to their program (includes even exchanges). Students attempting to register for the first time must have an approved registration worksheet for the adviser and Course Permission Form from the department in which the class is being taken.

Fourth Day of Session

Students will not be permitted to register after the third day of session. If you drop a course after the end of the third day of the session the course will remain on your record with a grade of “W.”

Adding a Course

If a student is adding a course to their program (including change of section and even exchanges – changing one course for another course equal in credits) the signature of an adviser is required at all times. Students adding a course during the second and third days of three-week summer sessions requires the additional approval of Registration Services, Pless Hall, 2nd Floor, 212-998-5054.

Withdrawal Policy

No change in your class schedule is valid unless it is reported to the Office of Registration Services, the Office of the University Registrar, Student Affairs, and the Office of the Bursar on the “Change of Program” forms (drop/add) provided by the non-degree special student adviser(s).

Non-degree special students who register for courses are responsible for tuition and fee charges incurred. Students who register and cannot attend must officially inform NYU Steinhardt by filing a “Change of Program” form. We will also accept written notification via mail or fax: NYU Steinhardt, Special Student Advisement, Pless Hall, 82 Washington Square East, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10003-6680, or fax to 212-995-4353. Refunds will be computed from the day on which written notice of withdrawal is received.

Refund Period Schedule

NYU Steinhardt follows the University’s schedule on refunding as outlined on the NYU Office of the Bursar website. Students who wish to appeal for an exception to the refund policy may do so in writing to:

Committee on Refunds
82 Washington Square East, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003

The Committee meets at the end of each month and a student will be contacted in writing about their decision.

Photo Identification

After you have registered you may obtain your NYU ID Card at the NYU Card Center, 7 Washington Place, on the corner of Mercer Street, 212-443-CARD.

Transcript Requests

Request a transcript