Dr. Kat Adams Shannon studies how young children adapt their attention and learning behaviors to best match different early environments, with a particular focus on understanding variability and strengths in contexts of early adversity. Her research aims to create and collaborate on innovative uses of technology and statistical methods to support education and developmental science.
What year did you graduate? 2021
Dissertation Title: Learning with and Without Control Over Information: How Executive FUnction SUpports Active and Passive Learning in a Socioeconomically Diverse Preschool Sample
Principal advisor/mentor during your time in your program? C. Cybele Raver
Undergraduate Major/College: Linguistics/UCLA
What was the most influential part of your experience in your program? Opportunities to collaborate in research partnerships with schools and nonprofits located in NYC.
Do you have any thoughts you’d like to share with prospective students? Take advantage of all the fantastic peers in the program and all the wonderful networking activities provided!
What was your first job after you graduated? Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Do you have any advice for people interested in a similar career path? It can be a lot to juggle applying to postdocs/grants and finishing your dissertation - start early and be kind to yourself if it takes a long time.